poodles and designer mutts

    • Gold Top Dog

    poodles and designer mutts

    When ever I take my standard poodle for a walk or to petsmart or something, people always stop and are like "oh shes so cute! what breed is she? is she a goldendoodle?" and im like "oh, haha, no shes a standard poodle. Big Smile" and they act all shocked.

     It bugs me that people know all the designer mutts but not purebreds. I have nothing against the designer mutts, they are cute and all but they are getting so popular and it bugs me that people know that "breed" over all the purebreds. She even LOOKS like a poodle, puff on tail and head...along with her puffy ears.

    Look like a poodle to you?

     [IMG]http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k66/lazybutbeautiful93/dogs/dogs040.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k66/lazybutbeautiful93/dogs/dogs036.jpg[/IMG]

    [IMG]http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k66/lazybutbeautiful93/dogs/dogs007-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k66/lazybutbeautiful93/dogs/dogs005-1.jpg[/IMG]

    [IMG]http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k66/lazybutbeautiful93/dogs/dogs003-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k66/lazybutbeautiful93/dogs/dogs001-1.jpg[/IMG]

    [IMG]http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k66/lazybutbeautiful93/dogs/dogs037.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k66/lazybutbeautiful93/dogs/dogs025.jpg[/IMG]

     Also if any of you have poodles or a poodle mix post pics! I'd love to see. :]

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think with all the breeding of poodles to other breeds of dogs people forget what a purebred poodle looks like.

    I saw an ad for Irishdoodles and almost called the people and cuss them. Breeding 2 different breeds together to make money makes me mad in the first place but to mess with MY breed makes me sick. And they had a picture of the pups. They werent even cute. They weren't even the "so ugly their cute."


    • Gold Top Dog

    an irish doodle? is that an irish setter poodle mix?

    i would imagine they would look like any other mutt crossing the street at lunch hour....

    and sorry no poodles here.... but some where i have a picture of Kaydee wearing a fuzzy sweater if that counts Wink 

    • Gold Top Dog

    She looks like a poodle to me!
    Maybe because she's black, instead of white - people thing she's mixed, as whites are more commonly seen.

    just a thought.

    • Gold Top Dog

    maybe its because of the cut of her hair? she isnt sporting that oh so handsome Q-tip hair-do... and i've found when most people think POODLE they imagine that look, not a puppy cut.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    Here is a Labradoodle I take care of, he's 10 weeks old.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Looks like a poodle to me too! Oh and the 2nd pic down on the right - don't think you could hide a golden from me! LOL

    • Gold Top Dog

    It happens to me all the time too, especially when I have Rex out - he's a silver beige Standard and he's in a "puppy cut" like yours. I get asked what he is all the time. 

    And then I get asked if they can breed their dog to him ! Indifferent they don't care if he's a nice dog, or about his conformation, etc - he's a poodle and they want a "doodle" of some sort.  I have asked them why and I get answers like "oh, the puppies would be so cute", or "I love my dog and puppies that look like her but with curly hair would be adorable", or "well, I want a puppy just like my dog but that won't shed", or "poodle crosses are worth more money", or....  AGHHH!  So then you try to educate these people, and some get it but most don't.  And what do I see in the 3 pet stores in our area?  Mostly poodle crosses of some sort.  I was standing next to a guy who made a comment to his wife (?) about how he loves dogs crossed with poodles because Standard poodles are so regal looking and they don't shed and they are so smart.  And I just couldn't help it, I asked him, "Why not just get a Standard Poodle then?"  Duh.  All these people want the really neat qualities of the poodles.  And, of course, we poodle people know that they are superier dogs and are not surprised by that!  Stick out tongue  But seriously, why dilute those good qualities and bring a litter of mutts into the world?  So many times these cute little "mutts" are not what they were supposed to be - they don't come out with the looks that are expected, or the color, or their coat is different.  Some of them even shed.  Surprise 

    As an owner of Standards it makes me sad and somewhat angry.  While I understand the interest in cross breeding two breeds that you really love, hoping to get the best of both breeds in your pups, I also feel sad to see the wonderful qualities of both breeds get 'diluted' out in the cross.  I have seen some absolutely adorable poodle crosses.  But I will stick with the real thing - I like 100% quality with no dilution factor!  Wink


    • Silver

    I'm pre-warning the readers of my post... This is a topic that makes me fume, so I hope that I won't offend anyone...Big Smile

    I do not support or condone the breeding of 'designer dogs'.. Even that name bothers me.. Plain and simple their mutts, crossbreeds, mixes, mongrels (I'm not really fond of that word) or shelter specials.

    It behooves me as to why guide dog centers started breeding these crosses in the first place.  If you want non shedding, get a poodle, if hair/fur is not an issue, Golden Retrievers and Labradors have fitted the guide dog bill for many years.  It became a trend that is now ad nauseum and extremely irritating.  Countless ads in newspapers list 'purebred' Labradoodles, Goldendoodles, Cockapoos, Chipoms, Pekeapoos, Shihpoos, Multipoos, Jackchi's (Jack Russell x Chihihua), Jugs (Pug x Jack Russell), Pugpoos, Lhasapoos, Schnoodles,  Puggles, Irishpoos (although unlike above with the Irish Setter cross, this one is Irish Wolfhound x Poodle), St. Germains (German Shepherd x St.Bernard) and countless other "Poo" crosses, which are often listed at or above prices which you would pay for a purebred registered and recognized breed.  Just recently in our local newspaper, there was an ad for (get this....Huh?) Bulldog x Poodle puppies, which they were asking $2000.00!!!  Why in heavens name would anyone breed this cross is beyond me...  These 'designer mutts' are the newest cash crop, and I find it's a very disturbing trend, one which I hope will end soon!  Often, people purchase these dogs on impulse, realizing their error and dumping these dogs off at shelters.  Now that same dog which one paid in upwards of $1500.00 for, is now available to a loving home for $300 and under depending on the rescue.  Why didn't the person actually think before buying, and realize that instead of adding fire to the designer mix crowd, they could have adopted a wonderful shelter special.

    I feel that there is basically two categories with dogs:  purebred dog breeds and mixes.  Between these two combinations there is well over 500 plus options for one when considering a dog.  Why start a trend and create a fashionable breed, to be sold for profit, often with little or no heath considerations, to be purchased by impulse buyers.  It upsets me, angers me and irritates me.  If one wants a Poodle, call a breeder or Poodle rescue.  If one wants an American Cocker Spaniel, then call a breeder or ACS rescue.  If you want something with similar qualities to both, such as size or temperament, go to your local shelter and browse.  You'll find dogs of all shapes, sizes, colors and ages.  Don't ruin established breeds only for monetary gain.  There is already so many homeless dogs in this world, that breeding unnecessary litters of fad breeds and calling them legit is just wrong on so many levels.

    • Silver

    I wonder how many "doodle" owners ended up with a dog that sheds like a lab, and also needs to be professionally trimmed like a poodle?

    • Gold Top Dog


    • Gold Top Dog

     I feel pretty much the same as banned breed but mostly because I think if you want a carelessly crossed dog, there are plenty at the pound.  If you want to be assured of a non or low shedder, go with a purebred (but please rescue!).  I think goldens are great, so are labs and standard poodles, but I gotta say, I have not met a labradoodle that wasn't 100% bonkers!  It could be the clueless owners, I realize that, but these dogs don't seem to have the good points of either breed, they've all been just bouncy, uncontrollable, crazy, non-listening, over the top, ADHD dogs!  And I just get sick when I hear the prices these owners have paid.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I have never had anyone mistake my poodle for a doodle, but maybe that is because I have a lab/poodle mix as well.  They are usually out together, so most likely when people see the two together it is easier to tell the difference.  I love both my dogs, and clearly I do not understand the negative poodle sentiment that seems to be so popular right now. 

    Poodles are a fabulous breed. Kayjin (my poodle) is smart, reserved, and one of the sweetest, kindest souls I have ever encountered.  Snuffa ( my mix) is bouncy, slightly crazy and when he was younger, possibly a little ADHD Hmm.... however, he has never been uncontrollable or non-listening.   He has a unique personality, and is unlike any other dog I have ever met, but I would hardly say that he has no good characteristics from either side.

    I think it is a shame that people are irresponsibly breeding "designer mutts"...  there are way to many dogs in shelters that need homes.  


    • Gold Top Dog
    Poodles are an awesome breed. Highly intelligent, friendly, atheletic, and strong. If memory serves me there was even a guy who had a whole team of competing standards used in mushing. While I dont agree with purposly mixbreeding for companions only by inexperienced breeders, I cant say bad things about their dogs. I might even rescue a Poodle mix in the far far away future.

    It does make more sense that if you desire a non-shedding service dog then get a purebred poodle whose genetics are known and parents are proven service dogs as well. If you like goldens then get a Golden. If you want a mutt then go to the shelter or a rescue. There are tons of these designer mongrels in rescues whose only fault was that their owners didnt know anything about either breed they are mixed with. Gah I mean c'mon, crossing a Pug with a Jack Russell? Thats insane.