Any Other Leonbergers?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Any Other Leonbergers?

    We recently adopted a Leonberger wannabe - probably a mix that happens to look and act just like one - hard to believe one would be this tiny and also purebred, but who knows?

    Anyway, besides rwbeagles' new girl, does Lynn have any Leo buddies lurking out there?  Nothing Leos like better than more Leos!  Also, are there any good cyber-hangouts for Leos?  I'm having trouble finding any . . . 

    • Gold Top Dog

    This list has been great so far if you want to check it out? There was a lady here with Leo's but she's not posted in a month of Sundays!


    Cleo sends a goofy face to the other Mini Leo!

    • Gold Top Dog

     Sweet Jesus, I'm so jealous!

    We reluctantly decided to put the Leo on hold for a while. We went and watched a Leo beach party and realised those huge paws on a boisterous 9mo pup might be a bit dangerous for little old Penny and her bad back. The Leo folks we spoke to agreed that it would be best to hold off, but we still have our eyes out for an adult needing adoption. Don't think it will happen, though, as most people get a Leo and never dream of rehoming it for the rest of its life.

    They love the surf!

    Jealous of both of you! We also need to buy a bigger car before we get a Leo.... I've got video footage from the Leo beach party if anyone is interested? Maybe I'll dig it out and put some on the behaviour interpretation thread. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'd love to see it, Corvus!

    • Gold Top Dog

    The link to the Leo Beach Party video I managed to find is in this thread: 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have friends who rescue Leo's! Actually they are failed foster homes. They have one named "Cleo" too! I wonder if she could be the lady who used to post, probably before my time so I don't remember ever seeing any posts from a Leo person. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Nah the lady I was thinking of had two older and then a youngster. I did find her profile but she hasn't posted in ages!