Spoke to the vet Rivers saw in Texas....

    • Gold Top Dog

    Spoke to the vet Rivers saw in Texas....

    he and the original owner had been searching for weeks for this dog. The lady that *found* him told the vet at the time that she was returning the dog to the nearby house of where she found it at, so the vet never thought twice at the time, except to check him over as she (lady that found him) thought she might have hit him with her car. So happens to be this lady fosters dogs and brings them to Colorado a few times a year to adopt them out for a fee, in which is how I ended up with him, I paid $250 for this guy.

    The vet wouldn't give me the original owners number, so I gave him mine to have them call me....nothing like having a heart racing ninety miles an hour, fearing they'd want this guy back. They finally called about an hour ago, and after looking over the pics I sent them of when I first got Rivers they agreed that he was the pup that escaped the yard. They had just moved into that house from Montana on a job transfer, Rivers was 3 mnths old when they moved to Texas, they bought him from a couple in Montana who had an accidental litter of pups between a male Toller and a female golden retriever mix. They outright stated that the couple had had every intentions of having the female spayed but then she ended up pregnant; the original owners of Rivers stated that they witnessed first hand that his father was in fact a Toller, as the couple that sold them the dog stated that he was not of any kind of purebred and they he was a total mutt. They had the fathers breeding papers, and they picked Rivers out of the litter because of his personality...go figure, that's what I love about him best too.

    Then the discussion turned and I thought for sure they'd want him back, but after showing them all kinds of new pictures and explaining how well he'd settled into our home, but that I understood if they would want him back, they pondered for a minute and decided that he really didn't remember anything about them and that he was too young; they asked how he was training wise, told them that he'd past Intermediate obedience training and that I was putting him in advance classes here soon...they were very excited that he was alive and healthy and living in a happy home. I offered to pay them the money that they had paid for him originally and they happily declined, stating that they only wanted me to keep in touch and if I ever came through Texas - we travel a lot, to stop and see them.

    I'm glad that I can finally rest knowing that I didn't steal someone elses treasure.

    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm glad it had a happy ending for all. I'm glad you were able to solve your mystery of what he is. Now get on with enjoying him!!
    • Gold Top Dog

    Glad you get to keep him, and glad all is well! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    awwww i love a story with a happy ending :)

    i live in nova scotia, and think the tollers are so cute.

    happy to hear you solved your mystery and get to keep your baby


    • Gold Top Dog

    Thank you greatly...there was just something about this lady's story that didn't add up even when I adopted him, I'd been pondering since we got him if I should call and investigate further, glad I did as at least now the original owners know he has a good home.....as long as he quits eating/chewing all my WASHRAGS!!!

    Anyways, he's been on bed rest for the last week, he played a little too rough last week and hurt his leg, so now he has cabin fever big time.

    Does anyone know if I should be reporting to a Toller mix breed registery...I mean because the breed is so rare, I didn't know if there was a registry that was keeping track of those that can provide papers to prove so. The original owner is sending me the papers of River's father, the breeder provided her with them when they purchased him.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Wow I didn't know they were so rare!  I see many of them at obedience shows here, and they are an older breed than the German Shepherd, lol.  I love their soft expression. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I honestly didn't know that either, I mean I knew that they weren't as common, but I didn't know they were 1 in 300 per information received on this forum.

    We are discussing the possibility of getting a purebred, but we've got some things to work out first....new fuel pump in our diesel, new tires for our boat trailer and diesel, and the other truck blew the two transmission cooler line hoses, can't complain I guess...it's been trouble free for 10yrs and 200k miles.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Wow, I'm actually very surprised to hear he as some Toller in him. Everything's possible though... Toller mixes just don't happen very often. Though they're definitely getting to be more popular than they were even two years ago "thanks" to the AKC recognizing Tollers. I wouldn't report him to any registery though, unless you want to. I had a Toller/Border Collie mix (accidental litter caused by friend's husband) and I never contacted anyone. If you do want a purebred Toller though, I do recommend spending a day with some. Even purebred Tollers can be quite different from Toller mixes... not too much, depending on the dog, but it's always good to spend some time with any purebred dog if you're considering getting one. Dance (my Toller), for instance, is totally different than my Toller mix (Tango) was.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Wow, I'm actually very surprised to hear he as some Toller in him. Everything's possible though... Toller mixes just don't happen very often. Though they're definitely getting to be more popular than they were even two years ago "thanks" to the AKC recognizing Tollers. I wouldn't report him to any registery though, unless you want to. I had a Toller/Border Collie mix (accidental litter caused by friend's husband) and I never contacted anyone. If you do want a purebred Toller though, I do recommend spending a day with some. Even purebred Tollers can be quite different from Toller mixes... not too much, depending on the dog, but it's always good to spend some time with any purebred dog if you're considering getting one. Dance (my Toller), for instance, is totally different than my Toller mix (Tango) was.

    Thanks..I'll definitely look into doing that...the lady that owns the new petfood store that we started getting our food from has a 4mnth old Toller...fire engine red, beautiful girl. She has mentioned that I could bring Rivers over anytime to play, she's got a gang of 4 Goldens, 2 labs, and her newbie, I had mentioned to her that he could use some bigger dogs to play with.