• Gold Top Dog


    Okay my Mom gets way to excited over things... They really want that puppy "Peaches" [Check out thread: Designer Too Many!!]

    Here is what she just E-Mailed me:

    "The lady wrote me back! She was so nice.She is new at all of this. She found a dog for her son who has autism. The dog has been so great she decided to bred him. This is her second litter the lady has done. This is a picture of Peaches parents. The Mom is 15in. and weights 25lbs. The Dad her dog is 18in. and weights 36lbs. She weighed Peaches yesterday and she weighed 3lbs.!!!
    I am so excited!!

    I wrote her back telling her to take a deep breath and really think about this! This lady is clearly a back yard breeder. Then I explained to her that it is a pet peeve of mine when people breed their dogs just b/c they are nice. Yeah okay well Kayla is an AMAZING Pom you don't see me breeder her! Why? Because I'm not a professional!

    I told her she needs to research the breed WAY more before she makes this hasty decision... check out showing/working Aussies and talk to people who have been breeding for YEARS.

    I also told her I want to say don't buy the dog b/c she's supporting a back-yard-breeder!!

    idk I'm getting worried... I need advice/help...

    • Gold Top Dog

    Forget the backyard breeder argument. That probably won't sway your mom. What your mom really needs to understand is the exercise requirements of these dogs. I'm not talking a walk around the neighborhood. These dogs need to all out run - off leash - outside of their own yard - for at least an hour every single day. They are very active in doors and out. They will constantly put a ball or toy in your lap and expect you to play with it 24/7. They are SMART. Wicked smart. Smart enough to out wit a dog owning newbie. They need a job to do and they thrive on learning new things and helping you out around your house and yard. If you don't give them a job, they will make their own - usually at your house and yards expense.

    Without proper socialization and training these dogs can be fearful (which can lead to fear biting), aggressive (they are natural guardians) and big time trouble makers (barkers, chewers, hole diggers). They naturally chase things that run.

    Anyone who has not researched this breed is making a big mistake. You have to know what you are getting in to. 

    If you have done research and decide it's the breed for you, they can make great pets. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I just sent her those links and told her THOSE are examples of people you buy a dog from. People who show or work their dogs and are professionals at knowing the breed and want to BETTER the breed....

     Am I right????

    Do you think I have any chance of changing her mind? Or will the cute face win???

    I told her she's also at less health risks with a quality bred dog too

    • Gold Top Dog

    AWESOME advice Jewliee!! I just sent it to my mom! haha... idk i just have a BAD feeling about this that they have no idea what they are getting themselves into...

    • Gold Top Dog

    Aight so I told my Mom what you said... and she took some of it into consideration

    The exercise won't be a problem at all. My mom is a stay-at-home Mom. They live on a 7mile private island in the gulf of mexico and my 12yr old brother is looking for an active lifestyle partner. He's a total island beach bum outdoors guy. I have no doubt in my mind the exercise part will be furfilled.

    With this I hope it will make socialization easier. She said she is very timid about the agression issues she's heard about Aussies. The breeder she wants "Peaches" from bred her dog b/c she was sick of all the "myths" about agression and wanted to proove her dogs were so well tempered that others could be too... ehhh okay well its the owner that makes the dog I guess so my mom said she would promise to work really hard on it now knowing the issues.

    She also said she'd be more calm about it and do more research but this puppy almost seems like fate...

    I wish them the best of luck!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    As long as she knows all of the issues then it will probably work out. Just one more note of caution. Every time I take Neiko somewhere people comment on what an exceptional aussie he is. "He's the only aussie I've ever seen that doesn't have issues" "he's so social" etc etc. I think that is partly due to the fact that he was socialized extensively while very young and because I knew exactly what I was looking for in a pup. Sure there were cuter pups in the litters (he was 1 of 19 puppies born from 3 moms) but he met my requirements - equal amounts of toy and people interest. Not too pushy with litter mates. Didn't show any fearfulness or shyness and was bold enough to investigate new things (but not so bold that he woudl be an alpha dog).

    So, my point is that the pup your mom is looking at may be super cute, but it all comes down to personality. If she really wants a pup she should check out a few litters and find a pup that meets her personality requirements.