Look for help identifying breed.

    • Puppy

    Look for help identifying breed.

    We rescued George recently and the SPCA identified him as an Old English Sheepdog mix. Because of his size at 9 months, we suspect he may be a Tibetan Terrier. Can anyone help us identify him? His photo is attached to my profile.
    • Gold Top Dog

    about how much does he weight?


    • Puppy
    He weighs about 23 lbs, has large flat feet, is extremely athletic (more than the average puppy) and has a combination bark and howl, all traits which appear to be consistent with the Tibetan Terrier.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I agree then! Tibetian it is! Maybe not pure, but there is def. a bunch in there =]

    he's a cutie, congrats!

    • Puppy
    Thanks for the help. The breed seems to have a great range in characteristics (e.g., coat can be straight or curly) and the photos I found varied even among the purebreds.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Given their overall rarity?

    No....I'd suspect something more like one of the "Poo (dle)" mixes that are clogging shelter's currently. One thing I'd suggest is contacting the breed club and sending them the pic. They look at TT's all day long and would be a great authority on it.

    Here's the pic so we have it in thread...

    • Gold Top Dog

     I agree with the "poo"  Its kind of hard to tell in that picture, but possibly a "shih-poo."  Which is a Shih Tzu/Poodle cross. 

    • Puppy
    Thanks again for the help. The only reason we want to know is be be aware of any potential health issues inherent to the breed. I will contact the experts.