
    • Gold Top Dog


    I think they are realllyyy pretty and my dog trainer has a few of them who are the most obedient dogs I have EVER seen and competes with them. I think one day I would like to own one but I want to know what you guys have to say about the breed....and of couse I'd love to see pictures!

    • Gold Top Dog

    We have owned and raised several dalmatians, as well as dalmatian mixes...Loved every one of them, BUT it's important to truly investigate any Dal you decide to adopt...by that I mean if you're going to adopt a rescue, make sure he tolerates being handled, eyes are bright/clear, excellent personality, etc....so so many of these dogs are interbred that society has actually ruined the good disposition the Dal's once were known for.

    They are EXTREMELY active dogs, get bored quickly if you don't pursue in the nature of what Dal's like, and can have skin/coat issues if not fed good quality food.

    So many times now-days I hear of Dal's being involved in biting, barking habits, personality issues, etc. they were once an excellent breed, and still can be if having come from the right lines.

    • Bronze

    I agree with stanton 100%


    They are high-energy dogs, they must get out every day, run that’s what they were bread to do run. I feel that a lot goes with training, you have to be very strict with them but not forceful or they will just shout down. They do not do good being left alone for long periods of time. But if you put the time and effort that they need in to them you will have a dog that just to be your buddy and make you happy.

     The one other thing that you should look at about dals is there diet, they do not do well on high protean diets, and it can lead to stones

    • Gold Top Dog

    I work at a boarding/vet clinic and we've had a couple come in to board.  I've heard from co-workers that they all seem to have so many health problems.  :(  One that used to board (he passed a few months ago, only 6 years old), was such a great dog, but he had SO much medicine he was on, special (and expensive) food, and, because he had to be on steroids, he needed to go out VERY frequently, and still seemed to pee for 5 minutes each time.  I agree that they are gorgeous dogs and seem to have good personalities, but I'd be very careful about where I got the dog from.  This would not be a dog I'd get from a shelter (I'm a big advocate for shelter dogs, and have one now, but with Dals, I just don't know if I could afford the vet bills or the heartache if I got a "bad" one).  Just research, research, research, and good luck!  Hope I didn't turn you away from them, because that wasn't my intention at all.  Just make sure you know what to look for.  :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    You should PM Maizysmom  she has a pretttttttty dalmation :D