Mystery breed mix

    • Bronze

    Mystery breed mix

    pondering poochI have had Jake for about a year now and never knew what he's "made of" I have a few ideas but want to hear your opinions.  He is about 21 inches square and weighs about 38 pounds.  He is very energetic and loving.



    • Gold Top Dog

    got a picture? 

    • Bronze
    I thought there was one. It looks like it's attached when I view it. Sorry, still new at this.  Whats a better way to attach a pic?
    • Gold Top Dog

    Maybe this will work...if it did (I found the link by right clicking on your attempted image on top), I copied Photobucket's "Direct Link" option next to your photo and used the "Insert/Edit Image" button option this forum has when replying to a thread.

    • Gold Top Dog

    How cute!  Looks like a dingo!  LOL

    • Gold Top Dog

    thanks DS, i see it now Big Smile

    as for guesses... looks like pit and maybe some other kind of terrier. he's a beauty though, thats for sure! 

    • Gold Top Dog

     I'm going to take a stab and say basenji/pit mix? Does he have a curly tail? What is his personality like?  I have to say, he is SO cute Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    I see...basenji and dachshund.  But he's absolutely adorable, no matter what his parentage!  

    • Bronze


    Thanks DakotaSpirit for getting that pic to work for me. I'll figure it out as I go.  But, the personality is COMPLETELY submissive to myself and my wife.  Yet dominant over my Rottweiler despite the 60 pound weight disadvantage, it's funny to see Jake "beat up" on Bear.  I had thought Pit and Basenji myself.  He shows strong sight hound characteristics with chasing moving objects, also we play fetch with a tennis ball and no matter how far I throw it he starts out at my side and he always gets to the ball before it comes to a stop, so needless to say he is wicked fast.