Getting a backyard, and considering a Boxer

    • Gold Top Dog

    I LOVE boxers & did a lot of research on them before I finally settled on my aussie. Strangely enough, my aussie loves just about every dog he's ever met EXCEPT boxers. We were really shocked the first time he behaved somewhat aggressively when one walked into his training class. Every other dog was greeted with a happy yap and a waggling stump. He's done the same thing on several occassions while passing by several different boxers. He's never done this with any other type of dog we've seen. Wonder if the cropped ears & tail do that much to confuse him as far as body language go or what it is....

    • Bronze


    I have been really looking into AB's and was looking for input to their nature, habbits, tendencies and such.  I have Bear a 2 yo. Rottweiler and he is a great (Great) pup but is not typical or what I was expecting of the breed.  He's goofy, playfull and downright glued to me most of the time.  Practically the opposite of the standard, which describes an aloof, motivated and independant dog.  I was looking for a dog that I could do some carting or sport/rec. herding, but his work drive is not nearly up to what I thought a Rottie would be.  He actually is kind of a lazy bum.  And I say that in a loving way, I accept he must just be the small percentage that didn't get those genes.  He's my bud, but I was really looking forward to really WORKING with him.  Perhaps if he saw me working with another pup he may say, "hey, I want to do that too."  From what i've researched I know AB's are all purpose farm dogs.  Herders, guard and even hog and other hunting.  Long short.  What's your take.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I have 2 boxers a male and a female. The female which is now 5 years old since 6 weeks of age i have put money into her. First it was yeast infections in the ears like once a month(still occurs like every 4 or 5 months). Then she devoloped allergies always biting and chewing at her feet (still not sure if its food allergies or what). Next She started having spasms/seizures in the muscle on top of her head (not sure what causes that but i think its triggered by the ear infections) so she is on phenobarbital for that. Then just recently i found out that she has hip dysplasia in both hips and needs a total hip replacement. SO i have put alot of money into her. But then my male that is almost 3 has never had any ear infections or anything else wrong with him so far except for not being able to control his bladder when he was younger. He has only been to vet to get his shots and a check up and thats it. I think i just got lucky with him.  I would really consider a mixed breed like a boxer lab or something because i have never had a problem with a mutt. I dont think i will ever own another boxer again- i love the ones i have but i just cant deal with the health issues- the vet one time asked if i wanted a cot to sleep on in the back room because it really felt like i was living there. I never have a vet bill under 300   NEVER

    • Puppy


    I have had boxers all my life... Have one now, 11 years old. It's really a great family dog, can be trained as a watchdog also, lots of energy and stamina, they are not at all aggressive as some people think, great with children... I'd always go for a boxer, for me they are perfect.

    The problem with them is that they are very sensitive, can have problems with their skin, heart, spine, maybe the worse is with their gums... My dog has that, the meat is growing over his teeth and we're at the vet's almost every week...

    Epilepsy is also a big problem with this breed, and a relative short lifetime, from 8-10 years, but I know one that died at the age of 7 because of a heart attack. We were on a field where we take our dogs to play, he was running one moment and the next he was lying dead... He never showed any signs..

    Epilepsy is also a big problem with this breed, and a relative short lifetime,

    oh I know this is true! We had one that came to us as an adult and we were not aware of his epilepsy until he was waking us up in he middle of the night, standing over top of my husband in our bed, making weird noises. Then he fell down and started flopping everywhere. Scared us nearly to death! I swear that dog was asking for our help though. Such a sad thing to have to watch. We then learned when his seizures were coming on and would have to hold him down because he would literally bounce across the floor. I hated it! The kids hated it! But we LOVED him dearly. So much, we got two others after him and had no problems at all. They are great dogs. Really funny. Intelligent, but also they always seemed goofy (in a good way of course).