What is your favorite small breed, and why?

    • Gold Top Dog


    I have always wanted a Bedlington Terrier. I love all the terrier breeds, they do not seem to know that they are small and they have such big dog hearts
    • Gold Top Dog

    yeah i like bedlingtongs too..... i showed one to my husband once and yeah he thought i was showing him a picture of a lamb.... when i said it was a dog he said "i dont want no poodle! i want a DOG!!"   *sigh*....  

    • Silver

      Westie/Cairn size terriers, the ones that come from the old Scotch Terrier of long ago.  I have an Aussie terrier pup ATM, all these dogs are similar in temperment, they are independant thinkers, which can make them a little handful when young, but it's wonderful to watch their problem solving ability at any age.  They are the most reliable alarm system I've ever seen, anything slightly out of the ordinary gets noticed.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Definitely the Shih Tzu! And they're my favorite of all breeds. I'm in love with their little Ewok faces! They're also normally laid back, adaptable to all different kinds of lifestyles, non-shedding, independent, but still loveable, snuggly and playful, perfect size to take places, great watchdogs... I'll stop there because I could go on all day! lol

    My other favorite small breeds are the Mini Schnauzer (odd considering they're the only terrier I even like), French Bulldog, Toy Poodle and Japanese Chin. Of those, the only ones I think I'd probably own are the Japanese Chin and Mini Schnauzer.

    • Bronze


    Well not exactly the typical "small breed" but I have taken the liberty to loosly interperit the deffinition.  I own and prefer big dogs, my own personal preference, but one small breed I would love to get is a miniature Bull Terrier.  I actually would like to get a full size Bull Terrier but since they are deffinately not small breed stuff I went with the mini.
    • Bronze

    Chihuahua's... probably.

    The fact is, I've had Zel half a year and he's my first small dog. Well supposedly my parents had a small... something or other... when I was born, but Zel is the first small dog I remember having and hes a Chihuahua so I'm gonna have to go with them.

    I am finding that a small dog is a worlds difference from a big dog, and right now... I'd like to know if theres anything with a big dogs personality and a small dogs size?

    Not that I would ever think of replacing Zel though. He's too cute and lovable. :D

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'd like to know if theres anything with a big dogs personality and a small dogs size?

    First thing that comes to mind  -Jack Russel. Don't ever try to tell one of them they are small dogs! I think it really depends on the dog though - as to what their personality (big or little) will be.

    Casey has a big dog personality - prefers to play with big dogs over small dogs - and he's only about 15#.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have soooo many favorites.  For small dogs I'd probably say Chihuahua(did I spell that correctly)?  I see so many at the dog park and they have such fun and sweet tempraments!   My second favorite would be Pomeranians.  Boston Terriers and Italian Greyhounds are very high on the list as well.

    • Silver

    I love my Jrts, they are a lot of dog.  And I have to admitt a royal pain in the *** sometimes too!!   I have always wanted one, there isn't a day that they don't make me laugh or marvel at their intelligence.  Equally easy and difficult to train, if that makes any sense lol.

    Their versatility continues to amaze me, there is nothing that I haven't asked of them that they don't do well and often excell at.

    That combined with being a working dog (I do hunt with my dogs) and the fact that they are cuddle bugs is why they have my heart.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm assuming shelties aren't considered small, at least mine aren't, so.....Papillons, Pomeranians, Longhaired Chis.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I like my Chinese crested, but I don't know whether she's representative of all cresties.  I suspect not.  What I like about her is that she's graceful like an Iggy, fun like a terrier, fun to mess with like a poodle or any long haired toy breed (I actually like the grooming involved with her, and dressing her), and snuggly (my BCs are not, for the most part, snuggly).  She's really tenacious, which is annoying sometimes but I know it will be tons of fun when we start doing flyball for real.

    I've also liked the some of the Pomeranians and most Papillions I've met and worked with.