
    • Bronze


    Are there any other pug people out there?

    Would love to see some pics!

    • Puppy

    Yes there are. I'm DJ Okin and I just joined this web site yesterday.  I posted some pics of my special girl Miss Abby. You'll find them under recent photos.  I have a Peek and a Pom and I kind of co own Miss Abby.  I got her for my mother but I just couldn't give her up completely.  Mom has her during the week, and I get the weekends.  She's a blast.

    • Bronze

    I have a pug .She's 15 mos. Very active and funny

    • Gold Top Dog

    I do not own one, but my sister has a black one.  He is a real mama's boy, a real sweetie. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have 2 pugs Pugsly (2 years) and Byron (6 months).  I also do pug rescue so i have a new little buddy in and out all the time.  Right now i have a 3 year old named Chewy. 

    • Silver

    i LOVE my lola!!!  i've wanted one even before frank the pug was popular!  she's sweet and very loving.  they do shed a lot, but i will recommend all the furminator products...they've helped tremendously!!!!  she has no breathing problems, is super smart, potty trained...pretty much the opposite of what everyone expects out of them.  people that don't like pugs don't like them because of their smashed faces and think they're stupid & have no purpose.  i love their little faces.  they have so much personality and are such clowns.  my lola LOVES to swim, play catch, sleep with anyone, curl up on laps, and do lots of tricks.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have Roxy! Actually she is more DHs dog... he has always wanted a Pug. She is sweet, smart and soooo funny! She thinks she weighs about 200lbs!

    • Silver

    i wanted to post a few pics of my lola!  she's so beautiful, but of course i AM biased...

    so serious.  i love it when she sits like that!  "what DO you want, mom??"


    lola, the lake pug


    she just LOVES to swim.  she swims more than my vizsla!


    all dressed up & ready to go!


    let's gooooooooo,  mountaineers!

    • Puppy

    those pics are to cute.  I have 2 pugs Willis & Popcorn and a pit named Petey McPants. Petey is the youngest and thinks she is a pug

    • Gold Top Dog

    Lola and Rusty, those are really cute pics. 

    • Gold Top Dog


    That is a really cute pic.  My Westies are kind of like that--they think they can conquer the world.

    • Bronze

    I have a pug she's a 11/2 lots of energy

    loves to play .She keeps us laughing