JRT Owners

    • Bronze

    JRT Owners

    I saw a couple threads on JRTS but they were all mainly pics-so I know you owners are out there! lol

    We had a JRT for about 8 years until she got lost and was never brought back home. She was our baby and the best dog we ever had. The only problem is she wasn't a "typical" JRT. She was shy, never barked and didn't really like strangers. She was awesome with the family and people she knew but wanted nothing to do with anyone else.

     Anyways. We have wanted another one since our Abby and just brought home a little boy JRT. He has attitude, hates our other dog and really doesn't want to be touched. He's only 8 weeks old and I'm hoping these habits can be broken SOON. Any tips on how to deal with a dominant male JRT? I just don't want him to turn out to be a dog from hell..lol

    • Gold Top Dog
    8 weeks old is too young for these types of behaviors. The puppy is really just an infant still. What would help is to know what kind of situation the puppy came from since that is what is most likely causing this dog to act like this. Sounds to me like the pup was poorly socialized with humans and was taken away from it's littermates too soon. There is a crucial period of time for puppies that starts around 8wks to 12wks where they learn important socialization skills from their mother and littermates. If the puppy was taken away from it's mother a few weeks ago and isolated from other dogs he's probably just unsure how to interact with the world.
    • Bronze

    Both of his parents were there when we went to get him and there were 3 other JRTs that lived there. I don't think he was very well socialized with people though. They had a little kid who was rough housing with him so thats probably the issue right there.

    I guess its just been a while since I've had a puppy and I'm trying to learn it all over again..lol

    • Gold Top Dog

    my experience with jacks SOMETIMES gave me the impression that they were aloof but would eventually warm up to you. the one i had was standoffish when she was a pup... as pups its possible, maybe even normal? but that could be any dog. just dont coddle him too much. if he gets over whelmed then leave him be. do your best to resist the urge to pick him up and cuddle him and baby talk him.. typical reaction.

    i believe he should have been left with his siblings a bit longer, but under the circumstances... rough housing child... he is probably better off to learn those social skills with you and yours. at least he wont get squashed!! my advice is just to take it slowly and gradually.
     good luck with him!

    • Gold Top Dog

     He sounds like he is unsure of himself which is normal for a puppy. He is testing the waters IMHO.