Breed Test - Has anyone tried it?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Breed Test - Has anyone tried it?

    This is the link.

    I was thinking about trying it on my dog, but wondered if anyone else has tried it.

    It is more just out of curiousity. Salem is thought to be a GSD / Lab cross, but I think there may be more in there. His mother was a GSD. We met her, and she looked purebred. They thought the father was a black lab that lived close by, but they weren't sure. A lot of people have told me he looks like a flatcoated retriever.

    • Puppy

     I have not tried the breed test and I've only had purebreds in the last several years but can tell you that years ago when my boyfriend's large mixed breed female (golden lab/retreiver mix) came in heat there were 4 different dogs hanging around (a black afghan, a black lab, some sort of tall hound mix and a smaller black mix breed) and when she had puppies (15) you could see each of those fathers in a couple of the puppies - 5 looked like hound crosses, 2 looked like afghan mixes and one was the most gorgeous gray color, 6 looked like lab mixes and 1 tiny little guy looked like the little mixed breed.  I was really annoyed with him for not having her spayed but it was a fascinating lesson in genetics (and the fact that multiple fathers could impact a litter).



    • Gold Top Dog

    I've never heard of that, but always wondered if something like that existed.  I would be VERY curious to find out exactly what breeds are in my dog.  Is there any way to know the validity of this?  I'm going to research it, maybe sometime in the future I will actually drop the $80 to quench my curiosity!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I had a friend who tried it and her Border Collie mix came back as Chihuahua - and no Border Collie!  I have to say I've been pretty suspicious of it ever since. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I've heard of alot of people having experiences similar to the one brookecove posted, so I really question its accuracy. It's a shame, because I'd REALLY love to have the test done on Butter. We were told by the scumbags we got him from that his mom was an Amstaff and his dad was a Boxer. The Amstaff I can see, he definitely has some pit bull traits and a staffy face. The Boxer is just NOT there. At all. In fact, I have never seen a dog that was more of a HOUND than Butter. He could pass for a purebred BMC, honestly. He's got a hound body, a hound gait, a hound personality, and a verrrry distinctive houndy-yodel. I'm convinced that he is Hound x Pit.

    But yeah, I hope they work on it and come up with a more accurate version of the test, because I'd really love to have it done. The $80 would definitely be worth it to satisfy my curiosity.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'd like to give it a try, too.  I've always thought of Max as lab/GSD mix because that's what he looks like, but his smaller size (60 lbs.) makes me think there's a little something else in there.  I think I'll force myself to wait until the test has been around a little longer and I've heard a bit more about it from others who have tried it.


    • Bronze

    my co-worker's 8# seemingly doxie/terrier cross came back as briard, doxie, tibetan spaniel, and I forget the 4th thing other than it didn't make sense.  I call her the "teacup briard", LOL!

     Yeah, so I wouldn't say it's real accurate.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Your dog is very beautiful even if you never know the answer. And what's funny is when we get mixes like yours at the shelter we always say they are flatcoat retriever mixes even though we all know darn well that there probably isn't a purebred flatcoat retriever within 50 miles of the shelter!
    • Puppy

    I don't know about the breed test but Max looks like he has Malinois in him.  His coloring and body structure and face give him away :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    I wouldn't spend the money on the test, but I have to say that my mutt most often gets the flat coated retriever designation!  For her we've heard lab, spaniel, golden, black, border collie and I don't know what else.  We could care less, though it's interesting.  Every time we look at a flat coat we say she looks just like that - that must be it!  Yet she doesn't retrieve and she seems to stalk and chase the dogs at the dog park.  She's also fascinated with birds, cats and other critters, though she doesn't hurt them.  Interesting!

    • Gold Top Dog

     I'd do it. I recall one of the dog magazines doing it with some success. I don't know if that is the exact same company they used however.