rwbeagles-Designer Dog fallout article link

    • Gold Top Dog

    rwbeagles-Designer Dog fallout article link

    • Gold Top Dog

     Thanks for posting that, Gina.  The more people who realize that it's all about temperament, not "cute", the better we'll all be.  Prospective owners should Google "responsible dog breeder" and "petfinder" before they ever go searching for a dog online or anywhere else.

    • Gold Top Dog

    That is a good article.  I've a friends with "Boggles" rescued from shelters that would agree with it. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Again I say......People, Do A LOT of research BEFORE you get a pet!!!!!

    • Bronze

    Thank you for the post!


    Just goes to show that these "fad" dog breeders really do not care about the dogs, but about the money.  Too bad hollywood is supporting the fad...

    FYI poodles have a saying on many web sites..."the ORIGINAL designer dogs"...LOL

    Seriously, though...people need to research what they want out of a breed and then purchase from RESONSIBLE dog breeders.  Those breeders who are not out to make a buck, but to improve the breed...

