I had a ridgeback fix yesterday!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I had a ridgeback fix yesterday!

    *happy dance*

    There is something wrong with me, I know, but there is something about Rhodesian Ridgebacks that is addicting.  We're planning on adding an RR pup sometime in the next year, and so I'm trying to get out to events and meet local breeders and owners.  Getting ridgeback smooches doesn't hurt, either. Big Smile

    My husband, daughter and I stopped by a local fun match and met some dogs, before we had to run off to a birthday party.  The dogs we met all had that perfect mix of calm but friendly.  Did I mention I got smooches?!!  

    My four year old daughter was apprehensive because they are such big dogs, but the dogs charmed her and she now says we should get two.

    • Gold Top Dog

    We ridgebackers know you can't have just one !! Photobuckey is having problems this morning but I'll post a snap or two of my grands with the RRs, I know there are a few on my profile. Let me know what breeder and lines you are looking into if you want extra insight...

    • Gold Top Dog

    yay for RRs! They are wonderful!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thank you - I'll definitely take you up on that offer as I get a better sense of who is who.  I'm also looking for a specific temperament, so I'd like to work with a breeder who is generally good at sorting out puppy personalities.  Sasha has had some traumatic events with other dogs, and we need a dog that will be willing to let her be the boss, but not wimpy enough to let her walk all over him.  A good middle of the road dog who is not insecure but doesn't need to climb the social ladder.  I care more about this than show vs. pet, how pretty the dog is, etc. 

    And we will definitely have more RR's in the future, but we're starting with one.  Cool