Does Buddy look like a purebred Cocker Spaniel?

    • Bronze

    Does Buddy look like a purebred Cocker Spaniel?

    Does Buddy look Purebred to you? We purchased a cocker Spaniel from the want ad digest. When we arrived he was so matted we couldn't not buy him, it was obvious that he was neglected. He is such aa affectionate dog, I am glad we bought him. He went to the groomers and cleaned up well. He is such a good boy. The only thing I wanted was some opinions, does he look Like a purebred Cocker spaniel?


    • Gold Top Dog

    I can't tell you whether or not he is purebred or not.  I just wanted to say what a cutie he is!  Awe!

    • Gold Top Dog

    looks like one to me =]

    I would say he's an American Cocker, not English

    • Gold Top Dog
    He looks purebred to me.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Looks like a Cocker to me as well.  There's a great variation in 'pet' cockers vs 'show' so there can be a bit of difference in appearance. But he certainly looks like most of the pet cockers I see