
    • Bronze


    I have a 4 month old chihuahua, I was wondering if I should get another chihuahua for a playmate and for a pack mentality or if it doesn't effect their socialization being the only dog?

    • Silver

    In a word, no.

    Its never a good idea to get a dog FOR you dog. Since your dog is a young puppy, I'd just work on raising and trainer her alone, as another puppy will only create a distraction from housetraining, obedience, etc. You can get socialization from going for walks, going to a dog park, joining a Chihuahua club, joining a playgroup or any number of other things. As long as your dog is getting outside socialization, she won't need another dog living with her. If you decide later on that YOU would like another dog, then by all means, get another dog. But for now I'd just work on one. Puppies are hard enough just by themselves.

    • Bronze

    Thank you for your response!

    That makes alot of sense and I will take your advice!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'd have to agree here, I have two chi's.  One about 14 months and one 3 months.  I'm glad that Otto got past the puppy phase before getting Oliver.  He is thrilled to have a buddy, but I couldn't imagine trying to potty train and teach basic obedience to two at the same time wowza.  You should totally get a second one, they are so fun, but wait until the first is a little older.  It's also nice to spread the  cost out a little since young puppies need lots of money (new stuff, vet bills, etc) Dog ;)

    • Gold Top Dog
    I think it can be really good to have two dogs. When you leave them at home they always have company (even if it's just being in crates beside each other). They play in ways that a human can't and have someone that truly understands them. I would wait until your current puppy is grown. Raising them one at a time it's easier to do the training and bonding. Also make sure that you want another dog for YOU and that you can financially afford everything that goes along with two dogs.