Posted : 7/20/2006 6:21:09 PM
You didn't say how big he is, and I can't tell from the pic.
If he is a somewhat smaller dog, he looks like a BorderJack/Jack - people have been breeding these mixes for height dogs for flyball.
I used to have a Jack with a really rough coat like that.
He could also be a PP Chinese crested.
If he's a bigger dog then there's a ton of possibilities: Old English Sheepdog, PONS, Tibetan terrier, Pyrenean shepherd, and of course a fortuititous mix. He's got a sort of "all purpose hairy dog" look that you can find on many hairy (and desperately needy) faces in the pound.
If he interested you as a possible companion to add to your home, I'd jot down the list of things you liked about him and go shelter shopping.