Minature Pinschers

    • Silver

    Minature Pinschers

    Anyone else a Min Pin lover? I would be interested in knowing if anyone has more experience with Min Pins and would share advice about raising one. I am begining to think they are the smartest breed. My Min Pin (Angel) can sit, lay, roll, speak, jump, shut the door, and go get the cell phone when it rings. I am amazed! She is only 8 months old and we are still working with her. I love her to death and she is sooooooooo beautiful. She is chocolate with red markings! Oh, just for information to anyone that doesn't know: Min Pin are an older breed than Dobermans (and they are not minature dobermans they are minature pinschers). Anyway, I look forward to hearing from others!!!!![;)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    I have a 7 month old Min Pin so I don't have any future advice...but I couldn't agree more with all the other things you said about yours.  I am surious to see what advice you get b/c I am sure I could use some of it too.  I know when we were thinking about getting one I read a lot about the breed and I knew what I was getting into when we got her...but she is been a challenge to say the least...but that is what makes training her so much fun!  I am glad you put that little bit of info at the end about the dobermans...everyone thinks they are just miniature dobermans and they are not! 
    We would love to see pics of your baby!!!  There are quite a few other Min Pin owners on the board.  I am sure someone will be along shortly. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    Hi! They certainly are not a breed for those who want a mellow dog! My min pin is 1 yr and 2 months old. A former roommate of mine had two min pins, which I fell in love with. So I knew what to expect when I finally got one of my own, and I've kept her in obedience and now agility since she was old enough.
    I'm certainly not an expert on the breed, but I do know that they are strong-willed little guys and it pays to stay strict! This of course becomes difficult when you look into those cute puppy eyes (not breed specific), but my min pin will take a mile if I give her an inch. I think they are a very intelligent breed. Very quick to learn, like you've experienced. I laugh when I think about when I was crate training her...I started by treating her for stepping in the crate. Shortly after, each time I walked into the room with the crate to do anything, she would sprint inside her crate and look at me as if to say, "okay, now where's my treat?"...they are manipulative little guys.
    Welcome to the board - glad to have another min pin owner! [:D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    I also have a min pin. He is very smart, but can be stubborn. He loves to sleep under the covers. He is an escape artist too. Very high energy, but can sleep forever.

    • Gold Top Dog
    We have a min pin in our agility class.  He's terrific.  So smart, agile and fast.  Very precise with his body placement - he knows exactly where all of his feet are.  (Dopn't laugh!  A lot of dogs don't!).[8|]

    I would totally recommend enrolling them in agility.  The owner smiles and says "A tired min pin is a good min pin".[:D]
    • Silver
    Aww! Your Min Pins are sooo cute, and it is cool that we have all three colors here (black, red, chocolate). I am working on getting pictures up of my baby too. I agree that they are high energy dogs, and I love that they are! I also love that they are loving dogs that like to follow you around and that they love to snuggle with their humans. (As I wrote that my baby jumped up in my lap to lick my face[:D]). Well, I hope to have the pics up soon! Thanks for sharing your babies with me!
    • Silver
    Well, I guess not that many other Min Pin lovers out there. Oh, well that just makes us rare[:D]!
    • Puppy
    How did you guys manage to train your min pins?  Toby is 18months old and he's VERY mischevious.  He knows who he can boss around and who the boss is.  But he's super stubborn.  I even tried a personal trainer and he said Toby was super stubborn.  I love Toby, but would like it if he was a little more obedient.  Btw, Toby doesn't like to cuddle, he likes to roam around the condo and do his own thing.  It's only when I have food does he come to me. 

    • Gold Top Dog
    i want a min pin soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad! they are so dang cute! momof_babyangelgrace, your dog's name is Angel? that's my horsie's name! cool! tiffy and dinky, your puppies are ADORABLE!
    • Bronze

    I recently aquired three when I went for two

    My girls too are super smart and talk about personalities plus

    I got mine from a breeder who did not do much of anything with her dogs mine need alot of socialization but smart lordy they are litter boxed trained in a few days makes life easier on all of us mine u we have accidents they are only 7 months old and very excited to run the house with our Jack Russel

    Agility is on my must do list for the future but winter has us socked in ugh hate it 


    • Gold Top Dog

    I have a 2 year old mixed girl Martini.  She's MinPin/Black Lab mix and has personality somewhere in the middle of two breeds. Very hyper outside with a little bit of a stubborn streak and a little bit too independent but knows a lot of tricks and can be let off leash without running away.