On the bandwagon - Sasha

    • Gold Top Dog

    On the bandwagon - Sasha

    I am seriously impressed with the posters here, so I'm throwing Sasha in.

    I've always called her a lab/pit mix, although I think lab-mix and pit-mix cross is more like it.  She isn't a straight cross, obviously.

    She weighs about 60 lbs.

    • Gold Top Dog
    She was a bit chubby when this picture was taken (ah, young children and dogs!) but this is her body.

    I am proud to say she is back to lean and muscled. 

    • Gold Top Dog
    I have no idea, except I love that first picture. [:)] And her ears remind me of Chewbecca's Ella!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I actually don't see lab, or maybe way back there somewhere.

    Her color is interesting and leads me to believe there's husky in her. That would also get us the partly-pricked ears. I agree with the pit, and then maybe some hound, and one little smidge of terrier (the teeny-tiny tail).

    I also thought, maybe boxer - one could possibly throw out the pit and go with boxer instead, which would also complement the coloring. That crease on the top of her head, and again, that wispy tail . . .

    Boxer and shepherd would get us there, too. There's tons of possibilities - a lot depends on her personality, but sometimes you just never know with a really mixed up mixed breed.

    I do love that subtle grey around her ears and muzzle - it looks very velvety. [:)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    yeah i would say shepherd/lab X pit or boxer mix. i knew a guy who had a Doberman x German shepherd. he had those same ears. another friend had a similar mix, the dobie was obvious but no one was sure about the rest.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Personality -

    She LOVES people.  She can be anxious about meeting new people if their bodies are stiff or they lean over her, but she clearly wants to meet everyone.  She loves children most of all.  It makes her day when she can lick a new face. We got her at 3 months and I don't know her history before that. 

    She is not a velcro dog.  She prefers to be with the family most of the time, but is comfortable going out in the backyard and sunning herself for an hour, or napping in another room.

    Her energy level is moderate to low.  She loves to get out, but if we need to skip a day's walk she doesn't climb the walls. She enjoys jogging with me a few times a week, and loves agility-like activities.  She can jump and climb with no problems.  She once got over our 6 ft fence. 

     Her prey drive is relatively low - it exists but for the most part she wants to be friends with other creatures.  When a friend's bunny sniffed her through a fence, Sasha play bowed. She's been play friends with baby horses and a goat. Her favorite game is tug, and she'll fetch a ball but it doesn't make her nuts.  She would rather swim for a ball than run for one. 

    She is sniff oriented, and her idea of a walk is nose to the ground. 

    She seems to think it is her job to watch over the house, and likes to bark when people come over, but she isn't guardy in a territorial way. She enjoys following the cats around the backyard and "busybodying" them, from a respectful distance. 

    I always thought lab because of her color, but it was mainly the color that made me think lab. 

    She is picky about other dogs.  Likes to play with dogs she knows, is definitely interested in other dogs, and gets snappy if her cues are ignored and her space is infringed upon.  She will always give plenty of "stay away" signals when she wants space.

    What else ... highly food motivated.  Her recall is not so hot, but I can let her off leash in uninhabitated areas and she'll stay  close by and listen when I call her off a running critter.  Frankly, she walks better off a leash than on. When we're off leash, I definitely feel like she's working with me, and she'll look to me for direction.  She learns new things very easily, and knows a large number of words - most of them food related.  [:D]

    And she is waiting patiently for her evening run, so I will stop rambling.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Sasha is so pretty.  I always admire her picture when you post. 
    She looks very similar to a dog that I used to walk twice a week, a male. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    OK, based on her personality. Just a wild guess - honestly she could have ten different breeds in her - but just for kicks:

    Boxer: based on what I said before, and her people-oriented personality, but not clingy (I believe bullies are more clingy?).

    Hound: Laid back personality, a bit of the body type and the coat type, size and look of the ears, and scent orientation

    I'm throwing out husky and subbing in Chow: The eye shape, something about the dome of the skull, the shape of the ear, and there's that color again. Rough coat is recessive so a boxer/hound/chow would be unlikely to have many rough coated puppies, if any.

    Maybe, maybe some shepherd: It's really tempting to throw that in there to account for the coloring, though between the boxer and the chow alone we'd be OK there. But we also have to put in the prick ears - that's an incompletely dominant trait that has to have a representative in each generation. Chows have erect ears but don't seem to have the complete gene to pass them on consistently, from what I've seen. Chow crosses often end up with "rose ears" or "east-west" ears.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Thanks everyone.  I will mull over the possibilities, although I know there is no way to know for sure what she is. I would have never thought chow, but I know very little about chows.

    I don't see hound, but the sniff thing is so strong in her that she must have hound in there.  As my run reminded me - she's prone to come to a full stop without warning if there is a smell that is Too Good not to check out.  There is nothing else that will cause her to stop like that.  The only time she ever pulls on the leash is when the smell is just out of reach and she simply must get to it.

    I'm loathe to let go of pitbull, but I will *play* with the idea that she isn't a pibble.  The boxers I've known have a TON of energy, and the love of people + ability to climb fences is very pit-tastic.  Still, I will gnaw on boxer.

    Thank you all.


    ETA - I found this dog on google listed as a boxer/GSD mix: [linkhttp://www.austingermanshepherdrescue.org/Foster_Dogs/2007/Buddy_Boxer/headshot.jpg]http://www.austingermanshepherdrescue.org/Foster_Dogs/2007/Buddy_Boxer/headshot.jpg[/link]

    And this too: [linkrev=/images%3Fq%3Dboxer%2B%2Bshepherd%2Bmix%26start%3D36%26ndsp%3D18%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26channel%3Ds%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DN]http://www.thesummitridge.com/Images/maggiesweb/maggie.htm[/link]>http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.thesummitridge.com/Images/maggiesweb/thumbs/t_IMG_1676.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.thesummitridge.com/Images/maggiesweb/maggie.htm&h=135&w=180&sz=6&hl=en&start=41&um=1&tbnid=0zjO_-XoEwzqIM:&tbnh=76&tbnw=101&;prev=/images%3Fq%3Dboxer%2B%2Bshepherd%2Bmix%26start%3D36%26ndsp%3D18%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26channel%3Ds%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DN]http://www.thesummitridge.com/Images/maggiesweb/maggie.htm[/link]
    • Gold Top Dog
    Okay, I thought I was crazy thinking shepherd, but looking at the first pic, that's what I see. 
    My guess is a little bit of shepherd/pit/and a little bit of this and that.  ;)
    That first picture you linked reminds me a lot of Sasha. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    without a doubt (on my end)shes got pit in her, and i'd guess shepherd too. theres an overweight  ;pit bull(don't think shes a mix?) that looks quite a bit like her on petshub.