Doberman Pinschers

    • Gold Top Dog
    [:(] I want a Dobe again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Smacking self on face..... must............ wait................... till........... no.......... more........... dog......... problems................................................. If my next Aussie doesn't have any medical problems, current one has puke problem and incontinence, then I'll consider getting another Dobe. This time I'll go through rescue.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Shiva this thread has me doing the same thing.... i love my bulldogs a ton, but i think the next big dog i get will be a doberman.... there's just something about that breed that just oozes "companionship"... not sure why, but it seems a bit different than what you get from other breeds. i think its because they tend to be a bit calmer... mine always were anyway.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Yup, Dobe are great dogs. We had one when we were little, she let me and my sister clime all over her. My stupid dad got mad at her and shot her. Evil, evil dad, but he's dead.
    My two were great dogs. Tyler, even though he had such a bad temperment problem was great with us, he just didn't like strangers or kids or other dogs or for that matter the dog he was raised with. Phoenix had a great temperment was good with people and other dogs, but he had to have that dang problem. If he hadn't had the problem, he would have been a great dog, and we would have shared birthdays as he was born on my birthday.
    • Bronze
    my father in law has a dobie. she is such a lover. what a great dog. very sweet, but protective ofher family. a truly wonderful dog.
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: Shiva

    I think a natural tail Dobe would be dangerous when they got to their clowning around and whiping the tail around. Rio's tail is dangerous enough when he's being funny, and his has hair. I can only imagine a Dobe tail with no hair.

    Yeah. It's funny how you suddenly appreciate the real reason why all these breeds get their tails docked. I have a vivid memory of seeing a litter of undocked GSPs recently charging around a pet store in their exercise/play time. Things were just crashing down all over the place, being swept off shelves in passing, it was just chaos. Everywhere they turned things fell. Having said that, though, these dangly eared long tailed pups are just soooo cute. [:)] I think that crazy, disastrous tail is quite charming, like the short legs on my corgi that means her belly is always muddy, or the way I saw my friend's lab snap up a dead fish he found on the road before his mum could tell him to leave it. It makes me smile when I see a gangly puppy with big feet and ears that dangle all over the place and a long tail that's continuously wagging about. [:)]
    • Puppy

    Hi!  I am the 1st time owner of a Dobe!  Apollo is just over a year old and his colors are Black/Tan.  I didn't really know much about them except for what I read.  He's an absolute joy in my life.  He was suppose to be my 16 year old son's dog but that changed quickly and he and I ended up bonding.  He's always by my side!  The one thing about Dobes is they whine a lot!  This use to bother me as it can be like a baby constantly crying but I soon found this is normal for them.  I would say that's the only thing that gets to me.  I socialized him early and we went to basic obedience school and we use to go for walks every day!  I love my time with him.  He would try to get in bed with me every night but he soon got too big for that (he's such a bed hog!) so I made a 'bed' for him right next to mine.  That worked out just fine; though now he's taken over the couch in the living room.  : )  Over the past few months I've suffered with really bad back problems where I have troubles walking at all so I started taking him to a Dogie Daycare a few times a week to help him let off some energy.  They are a life saver for me and I would highly recommend it to anyone with a young dog.  He comes home that night and the only thing he wants to do is eat and sleep.  I'm able to give him a bath but he'd rather I didn't.  : )  Dobermans are high energy dogs and do need lots of attention!  I still go home at lunch to let him out, etc.  I have found him to be the most loving dog in the world!  Though he is protective by nature and he doesn't allow everyone to approach me or my husband unless we reassure him it's okay.  He greets most all people very well but some he doesn't and he'll back away and give a low growl.  This can be a good thing though because I don't always want to meet strangers and believe me, I have lots that want to approach me and pet him!  He loves children though and loves to give kisses to them all!   Oh ya, and he does bark a lot!  He barks at people walking by the house or other neighbors out in their yards.  If I'm with him it doesn't continue for long but Dobermans are barkers...  I hope this helps you!  Please write me if you have any other questions!