breed suggestions

    • Gold Top Dog
    I personally, am a big fan of the mid-sized mixed breed found on petfinder. [:)]  You can find everything you want and save a life, all at the same time.
    • Bronze
    Thanks for all your replies!! You guys are great! I sent my 'rents a link to this thread, so we'll see what they say. You've all made some great suggestions. I have to say that the Brittany seems like a good breed at first glance (I'm rooting for the poodle, though!). It's ultimately up to the folks.

    I have to say that if it's a rambunctious dog, it's probably not a good idea. My folks will walk it, and they have a good sized fenced-in back yard, but nobody's going to be running it on a regular basis. My mom's KC Spaniel is still pretty young, so they will hopefully wear each other out.

    recclest: If it were a dog for myself, I would go to the Humane Society to find it. Personally, I like the uniqueness of mixed breed animals. My sister's dog is a street dog from the mountains of Ecuador. You'd be amazed at how many people stop her and ask her where they can get one! My parents are different, though. They like purebred animals.