Any guesses before I get him DNA tested?

    • Bronze

    Any guesses before I get him DNA tested?

    This is my very lovable Tucker that I rescued from a shelter back in January.  We think he is somewhere around 7 years old and he weighs about 55-60 lbs.  Anyone want to take a guess as to what might be in him.  I really have to get him DNA tested, I'm way too curious.

    • Gold Top Dog
    English Setter/Lab?

    English Setter
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: houndlove
    English Setter/Lab?...

    Known in my house as an English ReSetter.  LOL  That was Mick's mix.    Anyway, I don't know about the Lab part, but English Setter mix was the first thing that popped into my mind. 
    ... I really have to get him DNA tested, I'm way too curious. 

    Personally, I wouldn't waste my money if I were you.  All the DNA testing results I've seen have been way off base.  An example is a 50-60 pound chow mix looking dog being part Chihuahua.  Just a word of warning, that's all.  [;)]  Tucker is a pretty guy (hope he's not offended that I called him pretty)
    • Gold Top Dog
    English setter x Beagle? He's a really nice looking dog.
    • Gold Top Dog
    English setter mix for sure.  DNA test?  why?  He's beautiful and good.
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: 2shelties

    English setter x Beagle? He's a really nice looking dog.

    So I'm not the only one who saw some Beagle, too? 
    • Gold Top Dog
    He looks a lot like my aunt's dog who is an Australian Cattle Dog(Blue Heeler)/Dalmatian mix.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I was cuious about the DNA testing for my boy, too.  But when I read more about it I decided against it.  There are a lot breeds that it cannot detect at all, and if those breeds are in there, it may report something inaccurate instead.  And you do hear about a lot of obviously inaccurate results.  It mught be fun anyway -- but for sure take the results with a grain of salt.  And post back here if you do get it done, I'm curious!