what do you all think?

    • Gold Top Dog
    Unur.....you don't have to tell me about what happens here in the US......as I am involved in rescue.......I know our problems and won't deny that we have them, but you on the other hand paint countries with a golden brush that have major problems.......just because they have been admitted to the EU does not make them without fault.......and BIG problems there are.........[8|]
    • Puppy

    ORIGINAL: snownose
    I don't trust the Easter European and Russian breeding program at all, just think of all the years behind the iron curtain[8|] Not to mention E Europe still has some old fashioned, out dated ideas of how things need to be done.....

    ORIGINAL: snownose
    I am not going to get caught up in a political battlefield, but I lived in Germany for many years, I have friends who still live there.......I hear stories of immigrants from those countries......

    Try substituting Missouri, or Pennsylvania, or Kansas for "Eastern Europe and Russia" and "those countries" in the quotes above and I think you might see why Unur takes offense at your characterizing an entire region as backward and inhumane. Despite the preponderance of puppy mills in PA and the midwest US, some of the finest kennels in some of the breeds I know well are also located in these same states. Just as it would be unfair to reject a dobie simply because it came from a kennel in the midwest US, it is likewise unreasonable to condemn the breeders of an entire half a continent because of the presence of puppy mills in there. Of course one should be skeptical of any breeder's claims without concrete evidence, and the specific website under discussion here is an American example of some well warranted skepticism. But, judge the breeder by his/her actions, not the country they occupy. You know - punish the breeder, not the deeder - or something like that.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Try substituting Missouri, or Pennsylvania, or Kansas for "Eastern Europe and Russia" and "those countries" in the quotes above

    Oye.......not even close.........people here in the US have no clue how countries in the eastern block were operating.......
    • Gold Top Dog
    gina had suggested cambria to me. I filled out an application and they said i sounded like a good candidate. but, when i tried to asked questions about their health testing, they never answered me. It kinda turned me off. Right about that time, i went to my vet clinic to get some frontline. I saw the most beautiful doberman inside that was muzzled. I told the owner his dog was beautiful, and he continued to tell me how vicious it was. The dog was from cambria. I take it with a grain of salt though, because he was talking about how it had attacked him and his wife both--so they must've not been real attacks or the dog probably would've been put down. their dogs seemed pretty  nice, but it was frustrating to be totally ignored when i was asking questions about what mattered the most to me.
    • Gold Top Dog
    You might want to PM Bevolasvegas or Miranadobe for some first hand info.

    Great idea.  Also, you may want to find Pat Hastings' web site and email her.  She's an expert on structure and I think she would know a good Dobe breeder from the health standpoint.  Form AND function AND temperament should be your watchwords.  You want a lifetime guarantee that if you can't care for the dog, the breeder will take it back (one mark of a reputable breeder, even though you may never have to resort to that). Also, ask for a five generation pedigree and check ALL the dogs on it with CERF, OFA, etc.  See what titles the parents have earned, or see if they are legitimate working dogs (service, search, etc.)  Dig deeper - I didn't like that site.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Megan, that sucks that you never go a response on their health testing.  When I applied, 4 years ago, they gave me tons of info on what health testing had been done.  All of their health testing looked very good, so I flew up to meet their dogs.  The dogs were very nice.  I guess that in 4 years things may change though.  [8|]
    I'll pm Paige for you & see if she has any suggestions for you.  (I'm sure that she will.)