Name that dog!

    • Bronze

    Name that dog!

    I've always doubted that my dog is a lab/golden retriever mix (I guess the lab part is true, but golden retriever, nooooo) so lets see what you guys think ^__^

    A doggie glamour shot :P -

    And a better body shot

    she's about 17 inches or so...

    edit: hmmm... her ears look weird here. the inside isn't usually exposed.
    • Gold Top Dog
    are the ears like that all the time or is the wind blowing them?
    looks like a pure lab to me... but i also had a lab/golden mix that looked like a pure lab.
    • Bronze
    Noo, I just added the to my post. I guess they flipped over during the picture, but they don't usually look like that >_<

    edit: And the reason I'm skeptical about being golden retriever is because she's really small for a lab or a golden retriever.
    • Silver
    My vote is yellow lab all the way.  How much does she weigh?  Labs can very quite a bit-  She is beautiful!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'd say Lab/Beagle.  While she could be a small pure bred Lab, something about her face in the first picture reminds me of the Beagle that lives around the corner.  She certainly is a sweet looking girl!
    • Gold Top Dog
    well, Reggie, my lab/golden, was only knee high on me.... dont know how many inches that would be... not very many lol
    he wasnt standard lab size and no where near a golden's size... he was a shorty light weight. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm no retriever expert but there could be some golden in the face of that one picture. The way the white is appearing seems like more of a golden thing, though I suspect some yellow labs have it too.

    The rough coat would be recessive to the lab's smooth coat, though you could get a "surprise" rough in such a litter if the lab parent were carrying a recessive allele for rough coat. So anyway, you can't go by the coat to dismiss the Golden idea.

    At our old place there was a guy who lived behind us who had a field bred Golden. She was really dark, very light coated, and extremely small and fine boned. She was also gunshy, oops. [;)] Anyway, she wasn't any bigger than my Border collies. Well, my bigger ones. So the "small" genetics are in there.
    • Bronze
    Oh, wow.... I didn't think there was that much variety in sizes O_O I guess she IS a golden retriever mix haha (I'm pretty sure she's not purebred because when we bought her, they called her a lab mix), thanks everyone [:)]