Long-Haired Weims?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Long-Haired Weims?

    I'm consdering adding another dog to the pack once I buy a house - could be in 2 years or so, but it's still so exciting that I've been doing research on breeds that could fit.

    My fiance wants to hunt with this dog - likely birds. And, he's fallen in love with the Weimaraner.
    A feature that we both like in dogs is longer hair, and I've discovered that Weims come in a long-haired version (which is apparently not accepted in shows).

    Does anybody know how difficult it would be to find a dog like this? Do the long haired versions pop up in regular litters, or would the breeder have to specifically be breeding the long-haired variety? If it's the latter, I think it would be a lot more difficult to find a pup.

    Thanks for any insight [;)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    I've seen a fair amount of uncommon breeds in my wanderings, but never  long haried Weim, although I have heard of them and seen them in books.  I don't know about Canada, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be easy to find one in the States.
    ETA- I found a Weim breeder in Canada who is using long haired Weims in their breeding program.  According to their FAQ page, long-haired Weims can show up in a litter with shorthaired parents.  The long hair gene is recessive, so both parents would have to carry it.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Awesome! Thanks!
    • Gold Top Dog
    You're welcome.  Good luck with your search!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Hey there. I have the short-haired variety. Long haired weims aren't very usual. The trait is recessive, so it can on occasion pop up in a litter, even show-bred litters. The unfortunate thing though is that if one does pop up in a litter along with short-haired weims its very difficult to tell right away(unless you know what you're looking for). So thier tails get docked along with the short-haired weims, which in my opinion looks silly on a long-haired weim.  I don't know of many breeders that breed long-haired weims in the US.  They are not considered a fault in europe, so you might have better luck with a breeder overseas and shipping the puppy to you. You would probably end up with a better bred one if you do import a puppy.  I would be very very skeptical of any breeder in the US breeding for long-haired weims specifically because they are such a rarity here you could potentially end up with a breeder who wants nothing more than to make a fast buck on a rare comodity.  So do your research very very carefully. And ask them lots of questions.  Here's a great forum site for weim lovers: [linkhttp://www.weimaraneraddict.com]www.weimaraneraddict.com[/link]
    Best wishes to you in your search. Weims are great dogs with tons of personality and definitely LOTS of energy! So be prepared ;o)
    • Gold Top Dog
    this was interesting to read too.
    the US is the only place to not accept the long haired dogs... hmph!

    and this person has a pretty informative site on them and how to go about acquiring one.