Posted : 11/7/2006 11:24:30 AM
Gina- we haev some GREAT Tibbie people in this area, from what I've been told.
I looked at Tibbies years ago before I ended up with my first Cardi- I wanted a smallish active dog with some hair but not too much in the way of grooming, intelligent and trainable but not hyper. The ones I met were certainly smart, but really didn'tfit what I wanted- a lot of them seemed very independent (not necessarily a bad thing but it's the otehr end of the spectrum from 'wants to please') and I wanted a breed that wanted to work WITH me, not doing their own thing and if I happened to come along, that was cool.
Definately read up on papillons- they're lovely little dogs with wonderful personalities. You might also look at Cavalier King Charles Spaniels- they're pricey and there are health problems in the breed, but they're *excellent* small performance dogs for folks who don't want too much activity level. I also know a number of Shih Tzus who are VERY trainable- one does flyball, a few do agility, and I know one who is being dragged to a rally-o class in January.