
    • Puppy


    to any pap onwer that can help, i have been reading up on these dogs for a few weeks now and i keep getting mixed answers. a few websites say that they are good watch dog others say that they more like a lapdog. i live in an apartment so i don't a dog that will bark every time some one opens the door, my best frind and boyfriend  also live in the aptment with me., they  both have dogs aswell, scraps a very very energetic one year old,and norma gene,a pitbull-sheperd mix also age one, so i want a dog that gets along with others. i also want a dog that will play , but will be affectionate and sleep with me in bed. what about what i have read is true, or what else do i need to no before going to ;pick out and getting a papillon of my own.

    thanks for anything you can offer
    • Puppy
    My son and his wife had a Pap, they lived in an apartment and he was no trouble at all.  He was a very sweet natured, gentle little dog. He was very well behaved and was not a barker. His only drawback was heavy shedding.  Any dog , any breed has the potential to be quiet or noisy..even breeds that are known for "barking" can be quite. I have a yorkie and lots of people assume that they are  "yappy" , my yorkie is far from being noisy..she's very calm and laid back. Good luck with your quest for a Pap. [:)]
    ORIGINAL: allissainnc

    to any pap onwer that can help, i have been reading upon these dogs for a few weeks now and i keep getting mixed answers. a few websites say that they are good watch dog outhers say that they more like lapdog. i live in an aptment so i don't a dog that will bark every time some on that will opens the door. al so i want a dog that will play , but will also be affectionate and also sleep beside me in bed. what about what i have read is true, or what else do i need to no before going to ;pick out and get a papillon of my own.

    thanks for anything you can offer
    • Gold Top Dog

    Papillons are amazing dogs.  They are incredibly affectionate and very goofy.  All of mine will bark at strangers at the door, but they are not overly vocal.  If that is a problem for you, and you want them not to, you can always train a 'no bark'.  I personally like having a watch dog. 

    Both the paps I have now sleep on the bed, and my old one did too.  Papillons aren't much of a lapdog to an extent though.  They love to cuddle, don't get me wrong, but they're a bit much for someone that wants just a lazy dog to cuddle all the time.  They are one of the most energetic and athletic toy breeds.  I love them because they're very playful and love to play games and go places and at the same time can be very affectionate.  They're good with other dogs, just make sure the other dog especially if it is larger knows how to treat a little dog.  You don't want anyone to get hurt.  But I know a lot of people with paps and big dogs who make it work just fine.  It all depends on the socialization of the big dog. 

     Also, you need to realize that this breed is incredibly smart.  They are problem solvers and are constantly thinking.  This can sometimes get them into trouble if you don't provide them enough mental stimulation.  They really enjoy all kinds of training or sports or just some fun games that challenge them.  They're also very trainable, though, which makes a lot of things much easier.

     All in all, a great dog for someone who wants an affectionate and lively companion.  :)

    ETA:  About shedding, papillons should not shed nearly as much as many breeds of dogs.  They have no undercoat and just a single coat unlike most longhaired breeds (such as a sheltie).  The grooming upkeep is really quite simple.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Whoa, this is an old thread.  Ignore me.  :D 


    New forum is confusing me.