Mystery Dog!

    • Bronze

    Mystery Dog!

    Hi all, I'm really curious about what breeds my dog Gus could be. He's a real mystery! I adopted him from the shelter 2 years ago... curious to see what you all think. He has a really long heavy coat but I usually get him clipped. 

    • Bronze

    Another one

    • Gold Top Dog

    No breed guesses but he's a gorgeous dog!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I agree with Jackie- Gus is gorgeous! My guess would be Bernese Mountain Dog/Newfoundland/something else.

    • Bronze

    I agree with mick. Maybe a little pointer in there too? How big is he? It's hard to tell from the picture.

    • Bronze

    I immediately thought " Burmese Mountain Dog ".  Maybe something else in the mix, but that does stick out as a definite "in the mix" breed.

    • Bronze

    Possibly, a touch of St. Bernard.  The coloration in the face lends itself to that, and the size of course.

    • Bronze

    Hi, this is looking so good. But can't guess its breed. But still i think Barc is right.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Since I have a Berner :)  I thought he looked a bit like him in the face.  Maybe a mix with a Landseer or Saint   .   He is a pretty one.  Wondering what his furr is like when he is not clipped.