Care to take a guess as to what type of dog mine is?

    • Bronze

    Care to take a guess as to what type of dog mine is?

     I kept thinking she was a red heeler, but someone told me it's possible she is a dingo/Carolina dog. Anyone know anything? She's about 40 lbs fully grown.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Parts of her suggest the dingo:  her size, and the "white" bars down her shoulders.  Well, can only see one side in the photo, I am guessing she has the matching one.

     Her head is a bit "boxy" or square, for a dingo, though. 

    Did she bark on her own, or did you / children teach her to bark?

    • Gold Top Dog

    One thing is definite- she's cute!  Something to keep in mind when trying to figure out mixes is what breeds are common in the area the dog is from.  Dingos and Carolina dogs aren't really all that common here in the States.  Her head shape reminds me a little of an Australian Cattle Dog (ACD)/Heeler, but, honestly, I'm seeing something else.   I just can't put my finger on it.  Do you have any pictures of her standing up?  Preferably side shots?

    • Bronze
    I got her from my boyfriend's brother and his wife, and they didn't actively encourage her to bark, but they kept her in a crate for an obscene amount of hours during the day, which made her overly antsy and she would bark at EVERYTHING. And sometimes for no reason! It's been a tough time figuring out how to get her to stop but she's better now.
    • Bronze

     Well thank you! She certainly is a difficult one to figure out. I know my boyfriend's family found her roaming around the streets in Dallas. I did read that Carolina dogs aren't very common but I just can't figure out what she is, like you said. Hopefully this picture can help you.



    • Bronze


    • Gold Top Dog

    The picture in the water has me thinking she has some pitbull in her.  That explains why her head reminded me of an ACD- they have similar shaped heads. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I am not a good guesser but she is very cute :)

    • Gold Top Dog
    Boxer and Jack Russell. I see both about the head but the Boxer dominates the body type, JRT reduced the size. The coloring is found in both breeds. The size and depth of the skull behind the muzzle is very boxer. I'll go with Boxer JRT...both common enough. JRT's even bark quite a bit ;)
    • Bronze

     Hello Ive just joined so hope you dont mind me chirping in.... I just wanted to say she looks like she has staffordshire bull terrier or pitbull in her, to me. Your dog is very cute by the way Big Smile


    • Gold Top Dog

     I read in your bio about your dog that she likes Onions. Well you probably don't want to be giving her any. They are toxic to dogs. Here is a link to a story written by someone who had onion poisoning  happen to her own dog. Of course it takes quite a bit of onions but why risk it. They are now saying that garlic can have the same effect, so don't know why some pet food companies are still adding garlic. Here again it depends on amounts but why risk it with the dog or cat having any of it.