Boxers - Health Testing

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    • Gold Top Dog

    Boxers - Health Testing

    Nevermind.  These people are less than pathetic.

    Have a 6yr old intact male "w/AKC papers".  Took on a family friend's intact female in April who will turn 2 in August, "no papers, but do have record she was born in NH".  Having an oops litter of 10 (5 male, 5 female) and trying to sell them for $500 a pop.  I am horrified.  This is someone in the HR dept of my company so I obviously can't say anything directly that I'm so disgusted.... ACK!

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    • Gold Top Dog

     Paige I'm not sure if you'll be able to talk to them or not BUT boxers can have their DNA checked for CM, at least then the owners of the pups would have an idea of whether their pup will or won't have it

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    • Gold Top Dog

    I just have issue with smart, college-educated people doing things like selling their mistake to make themselves $5000 - when, no matter what anyone says about raising puppies, if they did NO health testing, just veterinary care while she was pregnant, there's no way it got up to $5000 in costs.  The dogs were delivered naturally - no C-section.

    It's bad enough when people sell their mutts at Wal-Mart.  It's really sad and makes me mad when it's a professional educated person advertising them on the company posting board.  I suppose, to give credit, it's better here than out on craigslist or Wal-Mart parking lot so that the potential owners are likely a little better prepared... but they won't be any better educated/informed by their "breeder".  UGH!

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    • Gold Top Dog

     it is horrific but it happens frequently - well too frequently.  As you know Boxers aren't a healthy breed, parents should have been holtered etc. But they haven't been and no one knows whether they carry the CM gene or not.  As for selling the pups for $500, cheeky but some say it is better to charge a decent amount to eliminate some unsuitable owners.

    I don't know, its sad and I see pups advertised here constantly that are supposed oops litters or backyard bred.  These people could have intentionally let them breed despite what they say.  I mean if you choose to have intact dogs do you not take extra care??

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    • Gold Top Dog

    As for selling the pups for $500, cheeky but some say it is better to charge a decent amount to eliminate some unsuitable owners.

     I wonder how much Campbell's owners paid for him.  If they got him from a shelter, I bet it wasn't $500 and I don't think anyone could argue they were an amazing home for him.  *sigh*....suckage.

    I mean if you choose to have intact dogs do you not take extra care??

    These folks knew the female was intact.  I suspect they were the (below)average types who think "oh, he's such a nice dog, and she's so pretty, we should leave them intact so we can breed them one day".... and they never plan for it, it just happens like "doG's will" and they make a profit.  I have idiotic HS friends who posted their Boxer puppies on facebook, but I can excuse their stupidity... and they're not charging $500.  Just seems to be a slew of Backyard Boxer Breeders in my circle and it's pissing me off.  Boxers don't have small litters, so that means another 8-10 unplanned puppies for each one of these stupid owners who SHOULD know better.

    Thanks for letting me vent.  I've been in rescue so long that I know this is but a drop in the ocean, I'm just annoyed.  These folks should be ashamed of their mistake, not trying to profit by it!

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog
    Campbell was pricey, his dad was a very successful show dog and the owner of the female was/is an established breeder despite her lack of health testing and not offering a guarantee :( in a cynical moment I doubt it was accidental. Be glad you aren't around here where ther seems to be a proliferation of irresponsible breeding
    • Gold Top Dog

     Paige, you could always anonymously post a "how to find a responsible breeder" ad on the same company bulletin board LOL.