Help identify this breed! (Pt. II)

    • Bronze

    Help identify this breed! (Pt. II)

    Hey, these are my friend's dogs and she's been wondering what breed they are because no one around her seems to know. So I'm asking you experts lol. Thank you. :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    WHICH dog? Are they both your friend's pets?

    • Gold Top Dog
    I see chihuahua.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I see chihuahua.

    Me, too.  And JRT in the shorthaired one.  Can't tell too much about the long haired one from the picture.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Why do people ask for opinions and advice and never come back?

    • Bronze


    Why do people ask for opinions and advice and never come back?

    I agree, it bugs me and I don't know why.

    • Bronze
    Sorry! For some reason, the forum stopped sending me email notifications when I get replies. Thank you everyone for helping me identify! :)