New mix, Any idea whats in her?

    • Bronze

    New mix, Any idea whats in her?

     This is Layla, She's a year and 8 months and was recently adopted from a local shelter.




    She's a gentle giant, already slightly bigger than my roommates full grown Weimaraner, and a real sweetie but it would be nice to know what breeds she has in her.


    My initial guess was Boxer/Pit but I'm not very experienced with breeds other than those i grew up with, any idea what she is?

    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't usually join in the breed mix games. lol  She's gorgeous and I'd guess Lab/Pittie mix. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think your guess is pretty accurate. Is her tail bobbed or does it just look that way in the pic? What's she weigh? Boxers typically go what about 80lbs on the bigger males? If she's bigger than that...then assuming her age is correct (not always the fact very rarely the case unless the dog comes with verifiable's a best guess). Bullmastiff might also be a slight possibility or even American Bulldog. For some reason it seems to be popular now to mix some type of mastiff or bully breed with a smaller pb...too scary to think about why.

    • Bronze



    Here's a few more pics for reference


    • Bronze


    I think your guess is pretty accurate. Is her tail bobbed or does it just look that way in the pic? What's she weigh? Boxers typically go what about 80lbs on the bigger males? If she's bigger than that...then assuming her age is correct (not always the fact very rarely the case unless the dog comes with verifiable's a best guess). Bullmastiff might also be a slight possibility or even American Bulldog. For some reason it seems to be popular now to mix some type of mastiff or bully breed with a smaller pb...too scary to think about why.



    Tail isnt bobbed, it's just going behind the fence in that pic. Age estimate Prob inst totally accurate but she hasnt fully grown into her paws so i don't think shes full grown. Im taking her to the vet today for a checkup and to get her Limp and flea infestation looked at so i will get an accurate weight there. Thanks for all the help so far!


    • Gold Top Dog

    The new pics posted are helpful thanks...I can see Lab more, or even perhaps Rhodesian Ridgeback in those...there is something sighhoundy about her gaze, tho of course Ridgies aren't typically seen running here and there impregnating the local populus of strays LOL! anyone else seeing that gaze I see?


    Limp? Hopefully nothing serious...maybe just a growing pain.

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    That's a very special breed called "A whole lotta gorgeous!"  She's adorable!  She looks Boxer/Lab in that face.  Her tail appears to be thinner than a Lab, thicker than a Pits, so that's probably part of the Boxer in her.

    Glad she's in a home that cares about her and is getting her into the vet to give her proper medical care.  Please keep us posted - we'll be thinking of her!  We'll want to see lots of that gorgeous face around here! :D

    • Gold Top Dog

    I personally see American Bulldog/Pit Bull Terrier. Odds are she's probably more than just two things of course, so it's highly likely there's boxer and lab in there too ;) She sure is a pretty girl!! Give her so many kisses from me please!

    • Bronze

    Thanks for all the replys, the vet agreed with all of you, pit, lab, boxer, and lab


    also they think she may have just pulled something with all the exercise she was getting after being in the shelter for so long so they gave me some anti inflammatory to take the swelling down and make her feel a little better

    • Gold Top Dog

    Glad the vet doesn't think it is anything more than a pull.... good news! Layla must be so happy to be in a new home. Adoption rocks, good for you Yes


    Welcome to the forum, by the way :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    ...anyone else seeing that gaze I see?...

    I see it, too,  Gina, but couldn't place it until you mentioned RR.  I can see a little Lab, too.  My guess would be RR/Lab.  Most likelt there is at least one more breed in the mix- maybe Pit.  She's a pretty girl!