The one and only hound I will ever own!

    • Bronze

    The one and only hound I will ever own!

    So I have 3 dogs and I love my 2 labs, but my dog Lyla even though she is a stinker has won my heart totally.  She is a breed called a Stephen's Cur.  I knew nothing at all about this breed when I agreed to take her and still know very little, except that she is very much a hound and although I love her to death, she might be the death of me.  Anyone know much about them? Besides that they are very head strong and when her nose starts working, her ears stop working.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I've never heard specifically of this one, so I can't help there -- however, Luna is MY first "hound" (and no matter what mix you come up with the best description of her is "hound mix";) -- and let me say I've learned a LOT having her *smile*

    1.  No one told me how much hounds WHINE.  (we'd had her two weeks and I turned to my husband and said "She is the biggest mistake I have EVER made -- that whine of hers can drive me straight out of my MIND!!";).  *lol* -- no matter what happens in this life Luna most definitely has a comment about it *grin*

    2.  When the nose is tracking a scent the brain freezes in dog-mode and input from humans is pretty much ignored.  (made worse by the fact she was one of those dogs at 9 months who had never had a human consistently hold her accountable for that mystery called "obedience" -- she was firmly convinced when a human spoke to her it had to be a mistake -- you just COULDN'T **POSSIBLY** be talking to ... her???? Really??).  It took us months just to train her to *listen* to us.

    But at the same time, once you DO get it thru to the brain that yes, you MUST do what you're told ... first time, **every** time (and I'm not going to just tell you TO do it 3 times so you can ignore the first two!) -- they can be incredibly obedient and incredibly intelligent.

     So your efforts WILL be rewarded.  Because they make an awesome dog with patience and consistency. 

    • Bronze

    She is worth it, but she still is challenging each and everyday.  She is a high energy, nervous dog that was barely touched in the 11 months before I got her.  Her previous owner had gotten sick shortly after she and her litter mates were born and when they were old enough they were each tied out to a stake with a little straw filled plastic soap barrel house and fed and watered and that was it.  So we have come a long way in the past four years.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Luna wasn't abused or neglected -- but the woman who owned her "got the dog for the child" but then couldn't handle having her around so she just plain put her in doggie daycare 7 days a week, as many hours as they were open!!  She is the "best socialized with other dogs" dog I've ever had -- she would win Miss Congeniality hands down.  but listen to a human?  Nahhh -- you're KIDDING me, right?

    But the end result is the same -- the dog has pretty much no real training and suddenly **LIFE CHANGES** and they have so much to learn.  But as an owner/guardian it is pretty darned rewarding!