Basset Hounds!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Basset Hounds!

    Okay this has been my dream breed since I was little and I hope to get one in the near future. Of course I'll be doing quite a bit of research before getting one but can anyone give me personal experiences? I've heard they can be very stubborn but I'm willing to work with that. Is there any major cons to owning one? Any advice/experience would be nice. Including good breeders if you've brought one, maybe a link to their website if they have one. I'm not sure if I'd adopt or buy one so yeah.


    Thanks guys!

    • Gold Top Dog

     Aha, my favorite breed also!  I've had 3 of them, and they have stolen my heart...did a little rescue work as well.  You can often find a nice one in rescue because the stubborn part is what gets to people sometimes.  Often though, I think they are perceived as being stubborn, when actually they are just doing what they were bred to do.  Their intense sense of smell is what gets them into trouble...they will follow a scent and not give up, which makes them appear to ignore their owners commands.  For that reason, they need to be kept in a securely fenced yard or on a leash.

    They can't swim, so no pools.  They do tend to bark at everything, and in a deep voice...makes a good burlar alarm!  

    They can be couch potatoes or they can be active...yes Bassets can run!  Some do agility!  

    They are snugglers and good friends!

    I have owned 3...the first was from a BYB (before I was aware) and was honestly my favorite...I think because I got her as a puppy and developed a very close bond with her.  My second was a shelter rescue and became Hubby's best friend.  She acted like she may have had some beagle in her...we'll never know, but she was a sweetie as well.  My 3rd, the one I have now, I got from a reputable breeder found on the AKC website.  Her personality is a bit more timid, and it has taken her time to adjust to a new home, but she is very loyal to me now.  I got her as a 4 yr old (didn't want to go through the puppy thing at that time).  She did not like being a show dog, so the breeder sold her to me.  The advantage to that, is that she was professionally trained before I got her...actually, she knows more than I do!

    I suggest you go to the website of the National Basset Hound Club and ask for a recommendation in your area.  

    Buffy's breeder is in Kentucky...    But I will say, I am not  sure what is going on with them.  Somehow we lost communication.  I have sent them a couple emails and a picture during the holidays, but haven't heard anything back.  The website doesn't seem to be updated much.  

    I have worked with Basset Hound Rescue of GA, and if you go to their site, you will find some links to other rescues.  I know that there are often an abundance of dogs in the South, they sometimes transport dogs to the North where there are more homes available.

    I wish you luck...Bassets were a dream of mine also, and I wasn't disappointed!  Let me know if I can help more!

    • Gold Top Dog

     I have only had my basset about a month, so this is just my experience so far. Moose has bonded to everyone in my house but I am "his" person. if both my husband and I leave he howls for a few even if my kids are home. He is stubborn and very smart. He is vocal, I swear you could have a conversation with him. I am absolutely in love with him and think i have found the breed for me....

    He would not be good for apartment living as vocal as he is

    • Gold Top Dog

     Anytime I think of Basset Hounds, I think of Mr. Wiggles (no that wasn't his real name lol, but what I called him). He was a dog I groomed many years ago. Or, I think of the others I've groomed. They ALL stole my hearts. Every last one of them. Mr. Wiggles in particular. He wiggled his way into your arms and laps and you were just simply obliged to give him attention lol. Rub his ears and he'd follow you home! Like Marty said, their nose tends to be what gets them into trouble. Hounds do what hounds do, they're not like your typical retriever breed focused on what makes you happy. Keeping them at a good weight is soo important as well (though I'm sure you know that already)!


    I really love the breed. I'm not much for hounds in general, personally, but the Basset is a heart stealer for sure. If my household was right for them, I'd own one.