Help identify this breed!

    • Bronze

    Help identify this breed!

    Hello everyone. I'm new to this forum. I need help identifying the breed of the dog in the pictures shown. Thank you. :)

    Edit: Thank you everyone for the help & compliments! :) To those who asked, this is not my dog (yet) but I'm considering adopting it from a friend of mine.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Probably a Chihuahua/Pomeranian mix or maybe a pet quality longhaired Chihuahua.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I know, I is a "Fluffy chestnut ball of furr" dog Big Smile

    ETA:  So very cute is it yours?

    • Gold Top Dog

     Pom/Chi mix would be my guess as well.  His head and eyes looks very chihuahua but the long coat, color and tail look Pomeranian. cute!

    Is this your dog?

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'd say that's a longcoated Chihuahua. Pet bred, and the dilute colors like chocolate and blue are very "in" with the BYB set right now.


    • Gold Top Dog

    I'd say that's a longcoated Chihuahua. Pet bred, and the dilute colors like chocolate and blue are very "in" with the BYB set right now.

    Same thing I was thinking, Gina. 


    • Gold Top Dog


    I'd say that's a longcoated Chihuahua. Pet bred, and the dilute colors like chocolate and blue are very "in" with the BYB set right now.

    Same thing I was thinking, Gina. 



    Same here. :)

    • Gold Top Dog

     That's 100% cute dog. I agree with others on the long hair chihuahua.

    • Gold Top Dog

    The first pic makes me think Longcoat Chihuahua.... the second says Chi/Pom... very cute too.


    • Gold Top Dog

    I agree that he looks like a purebred longhaired Chi from pet lines.

    • Puppy

    Definitely looks Chi/Pom to me. So cute!

    • Gold Top Dog
    The ears, eyes and coat look chihuahua to me, but the nose looks more Pom like. I agree it could be a pet quality long haired chihuahua which would explain the nose. Cute dog either way!