identify this mixed breed?

    • Gold Top Dog

    identify this mixed breed?



       I know Chihuahua for sure, but I'm curious as to what else he may be.

    Thanks guys & gals, Rich


    • Gold Top Dog

    hmm... I want to say... min pin/pug.


    • Silver

    I would say the same thing. Min Pin or Pug. I have a Chihuahua and a Min Pin.

    How big is (s)he?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Something has me seeing Jack Russell Terrier.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I see a Chi, Jack Russell, and maybbbeee a little Shar Pei? Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm always bad at this kinda thing.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I see no sharpei... they are very distinct looking...

    • Gold Top Dog

    He looks very similar to the pooch in your signature. He's a small dog, about 8-10 pounds, no sharpei for sure. I have thought he may have jack russel or some type of terrier but not really sure.

     He is the best dog that I've ever had, he listens great & I really love the little guy. Here is pic from another angle.


    • Gold Top Dog

    He looks very similar to the pooch in your signature...

    I thought he looked like Casey, too.  The picture in your original post makes him look bigger than 8-10 pounds, but I can see it in the other ones.  He's a cute little fellow. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I see Chihuahua and Jack Russell Terrier?

    • Gold Top Dog

     I'd actually vote for all Chihuahua- just a really badly bred one.

    • Gold Top Dog

     hmm...pwca is right- those last pictures make him look all chi-chi. maybe some terrier?

    My guy is a corgi/jack russel - at best guess.


    • Gold Top Dog


    Thanks for the input. A really badly bred one, huh? Smile Maybe so. All I know is that this little dog is my buddy! He is the best dog that I have ever had. The previous owner had to get rid of him & I am so glad that I took him.

     The story was that his original owner moved back east & simply left him at a friends house & then didn't return to get him, from there he was given to another person who gave him to the couple that I got him from. The guy that I got him from couldn't keep him anymore because the dog would ride with him while he drove from Vegas to Utah each day as he was a truck driver, He lost his job & couldn't keep him for various reasons. This little guy is very well tempered, is great with the kids & pretty good with the cat, potty trained, a very good watch dog (for his size) it seems like all little dogs are ferocious (lol) He was on a human food diet (burgers & fries) so I have got him back to dog food & dog treats. I have had no problems with him at all except one time when I left a fast food burger on the table & forgot to put it up, he ate everything but the pickles. I couldn't blame him though as it was my fault.  I couldn't be happier with him.