What breeds do you see in Simba?

    • Gold Top Dog

    What breeds do you see in Simba?

     So I'm curious as to what breeds you see in Sim. I kind of see a boxador/pit almost? Sometimes he looks a lot like a pit mix, other times he doesn't. The people that rescued him and his siblings say he has husky in him, but they really can't just base that on his eye color...

     Side profile(I love this photo :P)


     Front view


     So you can see more of his side and his tail. Well, most of his tail.



    So yeah, what do you guys see in him? :) 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Pit for certain...the eyes could also possibly be an Aussie/BC or mix thereof, which might have also brought in the sabling/dark tipping along the coat by his shoulder. At least 3 and probably more than that breeds involved would be a good guess. There is a lot of pitty in the face and cheeks, and of course the earset. Standing up sideways pic would be helpful...

    Very cute.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Pit for certain...the eyes could also possibly be an Aussie/BC or mix thereof, which might have also brought in the sabling/dark tipping along the coat by his shoulder. At least 3 and probably more than that breeds involved would be a good guess. There is a lot of pitty in the face and cheeks, and of course the earset. Standing up sideways pic would be helpful...

    Very cute.


    I'm sorry what's a BC stand for? I'm not familiar with the abbreviation for that breed. :-s Yeah I'll take a pic of him standing sideways in a little while(he's sleeping right now :P).

    • Gold Top Dog

    BC is Border Collie...your basic herding mix is what I was thinking. Little of this and little of that...whatever is found running loose or stray in your area. Here it's typically Pits, GSD crosses, and Labs, along with hound dogs. Varies by area...but there's always something more common.

    As you will find hanging out here the more breeds a dog is mixed with the more they revert in type towards a generic dingo like appearance usually including moderate size (30-50lbs) brown or sandy coloring with white areas, thin tails that often sickle or curl over the back, and ears that are often pr*ick or semi pri*cked. I believe it is referred to as "Pariah type" and some breeds like the New Guinea Singing Dog or Carolina Dog are good examples.

    • Gold Top Dog



    Pit for certain...the eyes could also possibly be an Aussie/BC or mix thereof, which might have also brought in the sabling/dark tipping along the coat by his shoulder. At least 3 and probably more than that breeds involved would be a good guess. There is a lot of pitty in the face and cheeks, and of course the earset. Standing up sideways pic would be helpful...

    Very cute.


    I'm sorry what's a BC stand for? I'm not familiar with the abbreviation for that breed. :-s Yeah I'll take a pic of him standing sideways in a little while(he's sleeping right now :P).

     BC is Border Collie. Smile  You know, if you had only posted that first pic, I would have said he has some Husky in him, but I don't see it at all in the second picture.  I do see Pit in the other pictures, tho.  Maybe some Boxer, too.  Like Gina said, there's most likely at least 3 breeds in him.  Oh- don't let the blue eyes throw you- we have a purebred Golden in our Rally class with a blue eye.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I don't see BC in him, but he does have kind of a houndy appearance.  In the south, a lot of Pits are bred to hounds (and a lot of hounds down there have other things in them, since many of them run free and breed indiscriminately) so if he came up on a transport, I'd suspect that kind of mix.  But, blue eyes can occur in any breed.  Some of the more common ones: Great Danes, Dalmatians, Cattle Dogs, Aussies.  Keep in mind that a long hair coat is a dominant characteristic, so the odds favor short coated ancestors in this dog, though a short coat is possible.  If the dog has merle on him anywhere, the blue eyes are sometimes paired with the merle gene (a dog is considered merle even if he only has a tiny bit of merling anywhere on his body - I know a Dane who only has it on his ears). 

    • Gold Top Dog

     rwbeagles: Ah right, border collie. Jeez ya think I would've figured that out haha! I think pits are probably the most common stray dogs in the area. Seriously, when I was looking on petfinder for dogs, almost all in the nearest shelter to me were pits or pit mixes. o.o I love it when they'll get out of saying pit bull and they'll say 'terrier' mix. I've never seen a sickle looking tail before, but I'll check that out. Carolina Dogs are gorgeous, so are New Guinea Singing Dogs!

    micksmom: Now that I look at it, from the side profile like that, he does look a little bit like a husky. At least from the side. :P Yeah I know after a few breeds it can be really hard to tell but I deff see the pit now. I wonder if the shelter really thought they were boxer mixes, or they were just trying to beat around the bush. I do see boxer in him a little bit though. Really? A golden with blue eyes? I've never seen that before. o.o

    spiritdogs: Yeah I don't exactly see border collie in him either. :-/ I do see some sort of houndish look to him though, maybe even german shepherd? He's not from the south, he's actually local. :) What exactly is merle?