Belgian malinois- too old?

    • Bronze

    Belgian malinois- too old?

    Someone I know is trying to re-home a 12 yr old belgian malinois female retired police dog.  She's not being taken care of properly, is severly underweight, and is currently tied to a tree with a 6 ft leash 24/7.  I have convinced them to find her a better place.I did some research on the breed to help me decide whether or not to take her in myself or to help place her in the right home. (worried about my 6 yr old gsd/husky at the moment)  I read that the average lifespan is 10-13 years.  She appears to be heatlhy(although very skinny), with no signs of arthritis or hip dysplasia.  Eyes and ears are bright and clean,  her teeth only have mild tarter(no serious dental problems), but her coat is starting to suffer from having to lay in her own waste most of the time. Has anyone had or know of a Malinois to live much older than 13?  What kind of problems shoudl I expect? Would I just be breaking my heart/bank by taking her in?  She's very sweet and eager to please despite the abuse, Any suggestions on what to do/how to help her after I get her out of there? 

    • Gold Top Dog

    OK, what kind of people allow a retired police dog who has served and risked her life for our safety and tie her to a tree to lie in her own filth?!?!

    Your post calls to mind a recent post on another forum (in a thread also involving horribly neglected working dogs).  Maybe Vickie can help you out?

    I am going to go out on a limb and make a PLEDGE to all working dogs! 

    From this moment forward I will take ANY working dog in TRUE need of a home!  These girls towed the line and lined some pockets and they did deserve better!  Soooo, IF you get wind of a working dog that has been tossed aside and can assist in getting it to Oklahoma, I will let them live out their days here with me and I would feel blessed once again!  I don't care to hear excuses if the dog is in poor condition, I will not be judgemental, just do the right thing if you don't want or can't keep the dog.

    How does this sound?

    Green Country Working Dog Assistance League
    A Retirement Rescue for Working Dogs who have served Man, State, and country with Loyalty

    This is far more diginified for our Loyal and Loving companions who had nothing in their hearts but unconditional love for their owners!


    • Gold Top Dog
    We've had our Westie for three months, almost exactly. Our sheriff's office patrol boat picked her up, swimming in the river that goes through town. She was at our shelter for two weeks or so and no one claimed her, so I adopted her.

    The shelter estimated her at 7 years old -- my vet correctly put her at 10-12. She has heart problems, skin problems, joint problems...aaand she's deaf, LOL. In the three months that she's been here, she's been the sweetest, most loving girl. I know that she's had the best few months here, eating 'til she's full, sleeping on memory foam beds, getting snuggles and love. When she chooses to go to the bridge, I'll help her go in a dignified matter.

    I know that this isn't the exact same situation, but I almost said Tiki was 'too old' - and man, what I would have missed.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Poor girl....someone take her in and give her a nice home to live out the rest of her life in comfort and love.  She does not deserve to be tied to a tree for goodness sake. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Any suggestions on what to do/how to help her after I get her out of there? 


    If you can possibly help this dog, please do it.  Have you contacted a Malinois rescue group?   I hope there is a way you can get her out of this situation. 

    • Gold Top Dog


    Belgians can go as long 16 to 17 years.  She deserves better. If you dont take and soon, call ABMC.  Those folks will get her fast.  If you will share the location chances are there is a contact close.

    • Gold Top Dog



    Belgians can go as long 16 to 17 years.  She deserves better. If you dont take and soon, call ABMC.  Those folks will get her fast.  If you will share the location chances are there is a contact close.

     I second that! Belgians tend to be long lived dogs in general - I have spoken to two people who had 18+ year old Belgians. If this girl is generally healthy, it is quite possible for her to live another 3-5 years.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I adopted Ginger at 10 years and we haven't regretted it for a second. She's had a few ailments, but none of them were age related. We would not hesitate to adopt an older dog again in the future


    As others have said, even if you cannot keep her, please take her and contact a breed rescue

    • Bronze

    I've got her at the house.  She got a good bath and seems to be feeling better already.  She's got much more energy then you would expect for something so frail looking.  She's so skinny it makes me sick.  It was hard not to call the cops on her previous owners, but they were once good freinds of mine, and at least the gave her up and agreed not to get anymore dogs.  I'm having to work at giving her smaller meals, and keeping her from gulping them down to fast and hurting her self.  Her feet look kind of strange, and I will post pictures soon to see if anyone else can tell me what's up with them, but other than that she seems ok.  Have a vet appointment for Friday to get her checked up and up to date on shots.  Thanks for all the concern, I work as a dispatcher for the police department and I couldn't watch any dog, much less a service dog live in those conditions.  I will do my best to ensure she live a long, healthy and happy life with all the love she needs and deserves. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm so thrilled you were able to get this dog.  Thank goodness for her that her owners did agree to let you take her.  You have my utmost admiration for doing this and I know I'm not the only one wanting to give you a huge thanks on behalf of this girl. :)

    • Gold Top Dog
    I am so glad she's home!
    • Gold Top Dog

    Great news for both of you.  If you have questions regarding behavior, just let me know.  These guys are balls of energy and you have to keep them busy.  Good on you.

    • Gold Top Dog

    LittleHaven...Hero of the week!  Thank doG you have taken her away from the tree and helped her. 


    I will do my best to ensure she live a long, healthy and happy life with all the love she needs and deserves. 


    • Gold Top Dog

    Just seeing this! 


    LittleHaven...Hero of the week!  Thank doG you have taken her away from the tree and helped her. 


    I will do my best to ensure she live a long, healthy and happy life with all the love she needs and deserves. 


    Hope all is going well!