Posted : 9/8/2006 8:37:20 AM
Oh My Xebby, I would never worry about meat you buy in the supermarket that is intended for human consumption. My dogs love to bury pieces and bones and let them "bake" for a few days, and eat it maggots and all. Wild canids are often carrion eaters, and regularly consume the feces of other animals. True story..... once after I had been feeding raw for several years I was in for a (rare by this time) vet visit. There was a relatively new vet in this practice, and she commented on my dog's condition after the basic exam. I started grinning because I knew what was coming, and sure enough, she asked me what I fed. When I replied that this dog was on a completely raw diet with zero commercial food, she was horrified and began her "bacteria OH MY Salmonella OH MY e-coli OH MY" lecture. I gently interrupted her, and told her that this dog had been raw fed it's ENTIRE life, and reminded her that she was the one who had commented on the dog's excellent condition. In addition to that, I told her, let's be realistic here. This is an animal who licks it's rear on a regular basis, and will eat feces in many instances, so I really can't get concerned about some properly handled raw meat. Mine love it, and the stinkier it is the better they like it.
Not trying to convince you to feed raw, just passing on some information.