Posted : 8/7/2008 5:38:06 PM
My ideal would be about 60 acres all securely fenced with a several acre area directly around the house fenced off from the larger area for romps and daily walks, a set of kennels just in case they were needed with probably cement floors and the works, and a garage that would be clean, easy to clean and have a doggie showerstall in it for washing off before everyone comes into the house to snuggle. Maybe a somewhat shady separate fenced area next to the kennels for training, or lure coursing... I'd probably keep the same routine I have now - outside to play 5 times a day, wipe paws, inside. It's a nice routine that gives me a maximum of time with the critters and they're hardly ever out of my sight. I'd definitly make the bedroom invitation only... and the size of the house would be dependant on the number and size of dogs I would have(probably 3 large ones) because there's got to be lots of room for dog beds, crates, feeding stations, ect. Sounds like heaven to me!