What is your dog's favorite treat?

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    What is your dog's favorite treat?

    We have treats that crunch, that are soft, some look like cookies, some shaped like cats, what are you dog's favorite, let's hear about that!

    • Silver

    Actually I have given Zukes treats to several of our friends animals, they now will not eat the treats that they always ate in the past and will only eat the Zukes treats.

    We have a dog that does not eat treats at all snubbed her nose at them but she loves her new treats from Zukes.  They are all natural and organic.

    • Silver

    Miles love Wellness Wellbites. Chicken and Venison kind are his favorite. I think it is because I like to give him fresh chicken and venison when I have it available. Figure, if I am eating good, so should Miles.

    • Puppy

    My dog  loves non vegetarian food very much.  he loves to consume lot of chicken , mutton , fish and eggs . the breed is German shepherd. I love my pet very much.

    • Bronze

    Zukes all the way, baby!!!  I won't buy anything not made in the USA.  They're right in Colorado and really strict about their ingredient quality.  My animals would live on them if I let them, lol