Posted : 7/3/2013 12:49:53 PM
I was this person, too. Singing along in gym class and having 2 girlfriends tell me very loudly I had it wrong was pretty embarrassing.
Oooh, that would be embarrassing, Tina! A morning radio DJ on a station I listened to told a story of when he was in a band in college. One night they decided to add the song "Driver's Seat" by Sniff 'n the Tears to their performance. Not knowing the song by its title, he kept singing "Travesty" instead of "Driver's Seat." The whole band was glaring at him in the middle of the show. He hoped no one in the audience picked up on it since the other guys were singing it correctly.
The first 10 days of the month are my busiest at work, too. I often come to work on the 5th, but I'm really hoping not to this year. We'll see how much I get done today. If I'm home Friday, then Monday will be much busier, but a 4-day weekend sure would be nice.
Your friends will have their hands full with a young GSP, Karen. Are they experienced dog owners? DH was on a fishing trip last week and the guides have GSPs. They have a very elderly one, but she's rather immobile now and stays off the boats. This year DH met their new pup, named Tick (what a bad name, right?!). She was super friendly he said, and she was excellent on the boat. It's a dog's dream life there (the guides live there all summer) -- a beautiful camp along the Snake River, lots of people to meet, water, trails, etc.