Posted : 6/19/2013 2:36:50 PM
My copy machine is earning it's keep today. There are 19 attachments to the Board agenda. I've already gone through 4 reams of paper and I'm only about 1/2 way done. Sure glad I started on this today instead of waiting for tomorrow.
I think I might've mentioned that my best friend's MIL had come to visit. She was supposed to be there a week and was to leave last Wed. Well, the Sat. prior to that, she fell getting out of the shower and an ambulance had to be called to transport her to the ER. She didn't break anything but they found that her blood sugar and bp were off the charts. My friend had mentioned that she never takes care of herself and she had arrived there without any of her bp meds or insulin. So, they kept her in the hospital for about 4 days trying to get her regulated and then released her. Since then, there's been a steady stream of home health care people coming every day and the MIL is still being a total PITA. My poor friend has wayyyyyy more patience for this than I do but she's at her wit's end. They're hoping she'll be able to fly back to North Carolina next week but now it's going to cost them 2x as much for the ticket and it's $$ they don't have. Ugh! On a funny note though - when my friend was visiting her in the hospital, the MIL asked if she could bring her wallet back the next time she came. My friend asked her why and she said she wanted to order some bras off of QVC. This is a woman who didn't think it was important to bring her dentures along on the trip but thinks she needs new bras. ROFL!!!