Posted : 6/15/2013 8:29:08 AM
I'm not sure it is her body clock, I think it is the time of year. "Gosh Mom its daily light out, let's get moving!" Does she sleep in a bit later on dreary rainy mornings?
My 4 are up with the sun year round, so in winter I get to 'sleep in' later, lol. And mine aren't young pups!
Once it gets dark, about 8 right now, mine are ready to call it quits and go to bed. They will try and get ME to bed as well, and if I stay up to watch a movie or whatever, 2 will actually go to my bed without me. " It's dark, time for sleeping!" For me to take them out for a walk at 9 PM, well, they will come along, time with Mom is always better than staying home, but they really aren't in to it. And it doesn't matter come morning, suns up and so are the dogs. Sigh!
So this is ONE take on what you are describing. It'd be fun to return to this thread in, say, November, and see if she is still up at 4 am!