Short story: Is it ok to toss a filled biodegradable poop bag in the woods?
Long story: I've been trying to get back into running since I slacked off a bit in the winter. There's a 5k in June that I ran last year that I'd like to do again. Most of the time I run on a treadmill at the Y because they have free child care. But running on a treadmill is different than running on the road. Since I know where the course goes I thought I'd take Rupert into town and see how I do. It was his first run on pavement this year so I didn't plan on running the whole thing.
So anyway, the race starts in town, goes a few blocks through a residential area, then goes down a wooded road. Of course, 1/2 block before the woods, Rupert decides to take a giant dump on somebody's lawn. I have biodegradable poop bags. I picked it up and started running again, poop bag dangling, but there were no garbage cans in sight. We continued on to the wooded road and I tossed it in the woods. I felt kind of guilty/strange... but they are 100% biodegradable.
What do you think? Ok or not ok?