Posted : 4/13/2013 9:03:16 AM
I would suggest that if you are going to have him pull you (as opposed to just run along side), you should get a harness meant for it, like sled dogs use.
I bikejor with Zeke, and he has an x-back harness that we got from a mushers supply store. There are a lot out there, and they can help you get the right size. The potential problems I see with the harness you are thinking of are that it is not meant for pulling, and so might not be strong enough, and also that it might not fit comfortably on a pulling dog.
Has Murphy been trained to bikejor? I ask because if you have been trying to keep him by your side, a pulling harness won't work. Instead, you'd probably want one of those bike springs that attach the dog to the side of your bike. Bikejoring is lots of fun, and I don't mean to be discouraging, but Zeke had to be trained to be in front and stay in front while running.
Do you hold the leash/line, or is it attached to the bike? It is generally considered much safer to have it attached to the bike, on the frame, and the lower the better, for better control. I have lines that I also use for skijoring, that I also got from the mushers supply store, and they are about 12 feet long, I think. You don't want too short of a line if the dog is in front. When Zeke does stop suddenly to sniff (he's getting better, but training takes a while), the long line allows time for me to stop, and not run him over.
That's kind of a long answer to your question, but I hope it helps!