Posted : 7/12/2013 5:31:56 PM
Jackie my weather report is on and it's showing me a green & yellow blob heading towards you.
I hope it makes it here! The local weather was on but I wasn't paying attention. Wouldn't it be wonderful if you didn't get rain for at least a few days?
We have the States largest bat colony just Northeast of us and Austin has a big one too. We've been to several of the roosting sites and watched them emerge at dusk. It's really incredible to see millions of bats setting out for their nightly feed. One of the sites is very close to downtown.
The local shelter had a rare find today. An African spur sided tortoise was found "running" down a residential street near where I work. He or she was reunited with this owner. He weighed almost fifty pounds. That's a lot of tortoise! I wanted to go by at lunch and see it but didn't have time.