Posted : 5/28/2013 9:58:45 PM
Yay on Bugs, and yay on the house Kathy!
I was at Petsmart tonight exchanging a fish I bought last week that died. They now have pink glofish tetra. We cannot take my niece in there before we can actually buy some. I have a few of the electric green ones, which look yellow in the picture, along with other of the same type of fish which aren't altered. She's been asking for pink fish, which are actually a red altered type of fish of a different species. In order to get those "pink fish" I needed to do some rearranging of my tanks and move some other fish out of the tank they would be in and to the tank in my bedroom. Now that they have the pink fish in the same variety that I already have, it's a bit easier to add them in. I do still have to do a bit of moving around, and I have to wait a bit, because I have a few catfish in quarantine in the tank in my bedroom. Once the catfish hopefully survive the quarantine, I can move them up to the other tank, and get pink fish. Then the pink fish can go into quarantine, and when they're done, I can move all the neon tetras to my room, and put the pink fish upstairs where she can see them. I need to have space to quarantine the pink fish though before we get them, as I imagine she'll be devastated if she saw her pink fish dead.