Posted : 5/27/2013 2:14:58 PM
I have a dilemma now. This morning I took Luke a spot on an open team for a flyball tournament in MA in July. I had no intentions of going back to our team due to *** and drama. Someone from the team, who I actually like, contacted me today. They want me to come back to practice, and to bring Luke to a tournament the week after in July. One of the arrangements being made should be good for Luke (his team will use the box he likes). Most of the people on his team will be people I like. The other issue is that I work on weekends. I can take off one weekend, but two in a row would be an issue unless someone can cover at least some of my hours. I could probably make up some of my hours during the week while kids are on break, but not all of them. My friend is coming with me to the one in MA, but she may not go both weekends, so she could maybe do the hours the next weekend, or at least some.
The other issue being that if you run in certain divisions, you can't run in that division on another team for 87 days. Luke just ran on a regular team and is currently subject to the 87 days. I don't have much intention to stay with the team, and his 87 days is up 2 days before the tournament. They of course would want to put in a regular team, which would re-subject him to the 87 day wait.
I never mentioned to anyone on the team that I wasn't going to the tournament, but I haven't shown up to any of the 3 practices since the last tournament Luke was in. One was on Mother's Day, and another was yesterday, so I could very well have had holidays as an excuse. The other I was actually sick and coughing up crap. Not that I couldn't have gone yesterday, I just had no intention of going back, and decided to take Luke lure coursing instead. Who came up with the rumor that I wasn't coming back, I don't know, but now I'm back to being conflicted about whether or not I should do it, and I was already totally certain about it. They want Luke to come in July because without him, the whole team can't go. I don't know though why they can't use a different dog.