Posted : 5/21/2013 5:38:01 PM
Fun filled day at work. Cloudy all day with wind and hints of rain. Crab apple trees are blooming-really some beautiful trees out there. Thought I was having a stroke this morning. Driving into the gray prairie, I started seeing colors in the sky. A freak break in the clouds, and we had a rainbow effect near the ground. Really pretty.
This time of year, you really see the prairies. Tree lines are miles away, usually along rivers, and the fields are smooth and dark. A long way between farmsteads when you get off the main roads.
Should be a good year for apples. Both my Honey Crisps are covered with blossoms. I'll have to spray them better this year, maybe use some fertilizer.
Meanwhile, I am watching the weather like a hawk. Swan Lake, at the edge of town, is a known tornado breeder. We should have suspected when we saw the bomb shelter in the house. It's actually a storm shelter and we keep it stocked with food and water. We have sat out a few storms in it.